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Message 1 of 3

Sky HD settings with third party router

Hello all, I have a question I'm hoping someone can help with.

The problem is that Sky HD channels, but not the SD ones, freeze and black screen with occasional clips of audio.

It's very unlikey to be network speed, as I have super fast full fibre broadband (getting 880mbps), connected with a cat 6 cable.

All other HD channels, and apps, work fine.

The issue is definitley created because I use an ASUS Zenwifi AX router, rather than the BT smarthub 2 (because I have  a reasonably complicated internal network). If I use the smarthub, it works no problem. So it's a settings issue with the Zenwifi.

All other channels work fine. BT have confirmed I have subscribed to SKy HD.

Does anyone know what settings I need to use? These are the settings that were required to get the TV working initially. But obviously not for Sky HD which seem to require different settings...


Thank you!



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Message 2 of 3

Re: Sky HD settings with third party router


Where is this Sky HD coming from? Are you talking about the live Now channels on BT TV, or what?

I suspect you need to ask ASUS how to configure your router, unless somebody here happens to have got it working, but here is something a bit alarming:-

Note: The router does not supports the enable multicast routing(IGMP Proxy).

the BT router does, of course, and multicast is how these channels are delivered.

*** Longtime YouView box owner, Broadband customer (was BT, now EE), finally an EE TV subscriber ***
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Message 3 of 3

Re: Sky HD settings with third party router

Thank you for reading/helping. And apologies for not being clearer. The Sky HD channels are being provided by my BT TV box. 

I've already checked with Asus, and they say it's down to the ISP to provide the details.

BT say their box works, which it does, and aren't able/willing to provide any technical details.

So I was hoping someone here could help me configure the Zenwifi properly.

I'm pretty sure the Asus Zenwifi does do multicast routing, as I currently have it enabled with IGMPv3. That's what i needed to enable to get any TV channels working. But the Asus doc is really not very clear.

If multicast is only used for SkyHD, perhaps that's the problem. But if multicast is used for any other HD channels, or if multicast is used for Sky SD, it's unlikely to be a muticast issue as they all work. 

But I'm well out of my depth here as I've no idea what multicast or IGMP are...  

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