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Message 1 of 13

TV Remote

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I am wanting to change my old BT Remote to handle the TV (an old Cello) as well as the YouView Box.  Searching the net it only refers to EE and I assume this will work on my setup. However, if it doesn't, will I be unable to access my TV and Box? The on/off button on the TV remote will no longer work and I am having to turn the TV on and off manually. I know, what an imposition but I do have difficulty pressing the very tiny button with my very old hands. Any help and advice gladly received.

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Message 3 of 13

Re: TV Remote

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I have now been trying to re-program the remote so that everything is all on one remote - the BT remote. Originally the Cello remote was used to just power on and off the TV; everything else concerning the TV and the set-top box was handled through the BT remote. Then the Cello remote Power on and off button wouldn't work anymore though everything else , such as the Source button seemed to be fine. The TV is now having to be turned on and off manually from the button on the side which is a pain as it is tricky. When trying to re-program the BT remote I have completed steps 1 and 2 using code 192. But step 3 which says the TV should go off when pressing the tv button does not happen though it goes through code searching process. I looked for alternative codes and found several but they do not even get to the blue light flashing 3 times.  Any advice will be gladly accepted. I suppose eventually I will have to telephone Cello call centre and hang on for hours and explain my problem and then be given a sales job on a new TV which I do not want. 

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Message 4 of 13

Re: TV Remote

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That code should read 0192.
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Message 5 of 13

Re: TV Remote

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Given that the TV won't turn off with either its own or the BT remote, maybe the issue is with the TV?

Take the original remote & view the end through a digital camera while operating the buttons. You should see a purple-ish flash from the IR emitter each time you press a button. So try the channel or volume buttons first. If you still see the flash when pressing the power button, then that would suggest it's not the remote but the TV. If that is the case then a factory reset of the TV may be in order. Make a note of your picture settings first.

The camera in a mobile phone is fine for this test.

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Message 6 of 13

Re: TV Remote

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All the buttons on the original remote create a purplish flash on the camera EXCEPT for the Power button. I do not believe there is anything wrong with the TV but I am going to contact Cello and see if they can suggest something. Thank you.

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Message 7 of 13

Re: TV Remote

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Ok so that seems to confirm the Cello remote is faulty.

Does anything here help?

Message 8 of 13

Re: TV Remote

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Worst case, the Cello remote can possibly be repaired. Check YouTube for videos on how.

Ebay also has replacements as well as One For All remotes that will control multiple devices. @naylor2006 recently purchased a URC1240 & confirmed it works with the BT boxes.

Message 9 of 13

Re: TV Remote

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From my post:

The working BT TV Code for the EETV Box Pro is: 4031 (You configure the SAT Device Button to this)

Solved: BT/EE TV Box Pro - Controlling Volume of AVR whils... - BT Community

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 10 of 13

Re: TV Remote

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Thank you @Attheend , I have been struggling to find a Polaroid TV code for the BT Remote. The Polaroid code 2774 didn't work and neither did the Mitsubishi code 2275. The Cello code you suggest 0192 worked perfectly and I can now control my Polaroid smart TV with the Bt remote. 

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