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Message 1 of 3

Visual Guide replacing Mini Guide

I have to say, one of the best features I found on my BTTV Pro Box was the mini Guide. I used to have Sky Q and when you pressed OK, you could quickly see what programmes were coming up over the next few hours, via the thumb nails. This only went up to a couple of hours.

The BTTV mini Guide, would show a few more hours than Sky.

Needless to say, the visual Guide to me is a big step backwards! I thought 'now and next' died in the naughties with older freeview receivers.

What is everyone else's thoughts? 

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Visual Guide replacing Mini Guide

My sentiments exactly I loved the mini guide and it was great to quickly scroll through the channels and schedule a reminder or recording for later on or scroll back for catch up whilst still watching something. Now we have to open up the main guide. You're right it is a step backwards. I hope BT realise this and bring the mini guide back. I actually spoke to online customer service earlier who didn't seem to really know what I was talking about and suggested a soft reset. I did this and it brought the mini guide back. HOWEVER I lost all my BT sport and Now TV channels and the only way to get them back was to update the software again and hence lose mini guide again. So frustrating I really hope BT reinstate mini guide. 

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Visual Guide replacing Mini Guide

Totally agree, it is rubbish, and not very helpful at all. BT Tv/Youview  are going backwards. However thought this a good idea was delusional.

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