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Message 751 of 952

Re: Are you unhappy with the new version of email on PC or is it just me?

Okay, just tried sending an email to a contact group & there is no 'send' button (or if there is, it's out of sight on the right because the email spreads itself across the entire screen). Anyone got any suggestions for a work around?

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Message 752 of 952

Re: Are you unhappy with the new version of email on PC or is it just me?

Yes, use Thunderbird or EmClient .

0 Ratings
Message 753 of 952

Re: Are you unhappy with the new version of email on PC or is it just me?

It works fine for me using Firefox in full screen mode. The purple Send and Discard buttons are there at
the bottom-right as normal whether sending to a group or regular contacts.
My guess is that it's something to do with your window width or overall window dimensions.

I've experimented with  un-maximising the Firefox window and making it very narrow. The Send button is then
not visible until a horizontal scroll bar is dragged to the right as I would expect.
There is no user control over the size or position of the Compose window; it just positions itself as best as it can
within the main browser window.

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Message 754 of 952

Re: Are you unhappy with the new version of email on PC or is it just me?

No questions for  anybody, but having a nightmare morning when some of the old issues seem to be returning!

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Message 755 of 952

Re: Are you unhappy with the new version of email on PC or is it just me?

I agree that both Thunderbird and eM Client are excellent client programs and I generally recommend that people use them or the commercial MS Outlook if they happen to have MS Office. Even the free MS 'New' Outlook app is shaping up to be quite useable although they insist on inserting an advert at the top of the Inbox as do some webmail systems. But it's certainly better than the clunky Mail program and looks set to replace it.

One advantage of client programs is the possibility of exporting or backing up e-mails, a feature sadly missing from
the BT webmail system - a single e-mail can be saved to EML format but there's no option to save or export a few thousand in one go.

But there are some people who move around a lot and may not have their laptop or other devices they normally use
with them all the time and for that reason may decide that sticking with a familiar webmail interface is the best choice no matter where they are.

For them a reliable and stable webmail interface is important.

Message 756 of 952

Re: Are you unhappy with the new version of email on PC or is it just me?

It should not matter the use or requirements of the BT customer, especially BT's long standing users. The email service , is a historic commercial offering by the UKs biggest telecom company, It is not anyone's business as to how why or when they use it. What is fundamental is that the  program should work in a usable manner. "Use something else" , is fine and most would have already done so. Maybe it is BT's aim dump its email service, like the landlines. www sites must cost a fortune to run and maintain and the current absence of adverts would suggest email is now a loss making service.  

Message 757 of 952

Re: BT E Mail


I've posted an update from the email team here -  Re: Webmail migration update - BT Community

It details feedback that is being addressed as part of the next release - so it would be great if we can keep this thread focused on new or unknown issues/ideas + general support, hint & tips. This thread is being regularly reviewed by the team. 

I'll post another update soon confirming date for the release.

Also a reminder that @gg30340 and created a really useful post, covering some tips and workarounds that you might find useful here - BT Webmail Work Arounds. - BT Community 

0 Ratings
Message 758 of 952

BT Webmail Feedback


@oldles wrote:

 Maybe it is BT's aim dump its email service, like the landlines. www sites must cost a fortune to run and maintain and the current absence of adverts would suggest email is now a loss making service.  

As per my previous message 738

"Why not just accept that BT have made a mess of the roll out with no other or hidden ulterior motive. They have done this on every previous incarnation of their email service when they changed it so why expect anything different this time. 

If they wanted users to move away from the email service all they would need to do is give notice over a reasonable amount of time and then close it down". 

Having said that it should be noted in case you do not already know, BT no longer offer an email service to BT Broadband customers who joined after 22nd October 2022, so take out of that what you will.

As you will see by now there is also an update from the moderators giving information regarding a forthcoming update to hopefully resolve some of the issues. 

0 Ratings
Message 759 of 952

Re: BT E Mail

It was nice to get some sort of response from BT ( gg30340 )

However there is a problem trying to save mail settings such as using Rich Text- the Save button is greyed out!

0 Ratings
Message 760 of 952

Re: BT E Mail



@NickBS  " so it would be great if we can keep this thread focused on new or unknown issues/ideas +

The threat title " Are you unhappy with the new version of email...."

Not tell us all the problems we have caused.

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