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Message 1 of 4

Email address compromised

One of my email addresses appears to have been part of a breach (Sony, I think). Earlier this year I got a number of instances of BT messages telling me that someone had tried to access it but failed, and they locked it.

This happened about 6 times over a matter of a few weeks in May and June. 

I always reset the password to something that would be very difficult to guess, even if you know my personal details. I also have to change the password setting on my laptop and phone.

It started again this week - twice. 

The address is over 20 years old, so I'm loathe to dispense with it, and it will mean trawling through various sites to change my email address. 

Before I contact BT, is there a way to get them to lock the IP address, and inform me of the failed attempt, but not lock the email address?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Email address compromised

Hi @cholma 

Have you had a look at our 'How can I tell if my email account is no longer secure?' help page? There are some brilliant steps on there, including running anti-virus checks before changing the password and some recommended security steps.


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Message 3 of 4

Re: Email address compromised

Thanks for the response. Yes - I've read that page. I have Norton installed and regularly do scans. 

They aren't getting into my email address. As I said, the password is long and complex, so there's no way they can guess it.

That email address was definitely part of a data breach. I have other email addresses in BT and they haven't attempted those ones. 

It looks like I will just have to contact BT and sunset that email address. 

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Email address compromised

If all you are getting a message about is that someone tried to access your account but there is no indication that they have got into your account it would appear that your password is doing its job.

If somebody is trying to access and can not get in they will soon move on meanwhile if you want to retain the email address as much as it is a chore just change the password when you get locked out until they do move on.

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