I find that I now have to sign in each time I visit BT email on my laptop which is a pain.
How can I keep signed in as I could a week back ? Should I switch it off and back on again as per the advice on the IT Crowd, or should BT invest in some more knowledgable IT guys who don't mess things up when they modify anything ?
Why don't they leave something alone that has been working ok ?
The stay log on box has been removed by BT and at present it is not being reinstated.
You could consider using an email client or email app which would negate having to repeatedly log on as well as providing a better experiance than using a web browser / webmail.
What was the reason given by BT for deleting that tab ?
Security, leaving an open login on a server available to hackers is never a good idea. Why do you think financial websites log you out after 10 minutes inactivity.