Since yesterday I cannot send any emails. I get an message " We are experiencing issues with the service, please try again later."
24 Hours later - appears to be working !
Thanks for having the same fault - I think that means that BT have the problem, not you or I !
I keep getting a message when I try to send an email "We are experiencing issues with the service, please try again later." I've been getting this message for nearly a week. When are the problems going to be sorted? How much later should I try again? When I try to save the draft, I get an error message, Please insert a valid recipient. There is a valid recipient in the 'To' line. I also get an error message that says BT is unable to minimise the draft (something like that) I just went back to find what the error message actually was, and I was able to send the email.
Anybody else suffering these problems?
Hello @Bert4545.
Welcome back to the community.
Are you sending the same email to a large number of participants?
When trying to send the email are using a client?
Are you sending the same email to a large number of participants? -- No, just one recipient
When trying to send the email are using a client? -- I don't know what this means. I would guess I'm not, as I don't know what a 'client' is, so I don't know how to get one or use one.
I am almost computer illiterate. Not techy at all.
Hi @Bert4545
Thanks for coming back to us.
How do you access your emails? Do you log in using a web browser?
If you use a web browser, have you tried another browser?
Leanne 🙂
I can never remember the difference between a browser and a search engine, but I just googled 'firefox' and was informed that Firefox is a web browser, which I use because my s-i-l recommended it. I don't try using another one (I have Chrome), because I don't think of it, and if I did, I'd expect it to give the same result as Firefox. The problem seems to have gone away now, so 'fingers crossed' we can forget about it.
P.S. I don't know what you mean by "Do you log in using a web browser? " I switch my computer on, click on Firefox at the bottom of my screen, then click on Email at the top of my screen, which takes me to ----
then I log in with my email address and password. I don't know any other way to do it. I don't have a smartphone.