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Message 1 of 11

Email rules not working

Earlier today I received a scam email from an email address ending so I added a rule to discard any emails from email addresses ending

However, a few hours later, I received another scam email from an email address ending

I have forwarded both emails to BT and Action Fraud, but why wasn't the new rule working properly?  Or do they take some time to take effect?  So far as I know, all other rules I have set are working fine.  Many I have had to add as adding specific email addresses and domains to the blocked senders list doesn't work.  Similarly, my safe senders list never seems to work properly either as emails from people on that list will still go in to my spam folder, so I have had to add a specific rule to redirect them to my inbox!

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Message 2 of 11

Re: Email rules not working

Well, I've received another scam email today from an email address ending so this particular rule I've set up clearly isn't working for some reason.
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Message 3 of 11

Re: Email rules not working


Can you please stick to just one thread either this one or the other one you have posted on about the same problem.

Blocking senders in spam folder - BT Community

Posting the same problem on more than one thread just causes duplication of replies or double the effort. 


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Message 4 of 11

Re: Email rules not working


I seem to be having the same problem from a source which uses noreplay@variousnames.

I put in a rule to put everything starting with noreplay@ straight to trash as a test.

Doesn’t seem to be working , will do more tests and double check the rule.




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Message 5 of 11

Re: Email rules not working

Changed rule again and it seems to have worked. No rubbish emails so far. Also sent a copy of one to the abuse mail box so maybe they stopped them as well. Either way they have stopped so far🤞

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Message 6 of 11

Re: Email rules not working

I'm also getting the noreplay@variousnames emails, and having the same problem.


I have four rules which are supposed to move and discard them:

- If from contains 'noreplay' then movetofolder spam

- If from contains 'noreplay' then discard

- If sender domain contains 'noreplay' then movetofolder spam

- If sender domain contains 'noreplay' then discard


This should cover all bases for catching the domain, but the rules seemed to stop working after a few days. I have tried disabling and reactivating the rules, which works for about a couple of days and then the noreplay emails start appearing again! *Furious grumbling*


Is there anything more that I can do?

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Message 7 of 11

Re: Email rules not working



My rule which I had was if from contains noreplay@ discard.   Seems to have worked.

Also I use the BT Mail app on my phone where you can block pests very quickly after 1 email then do a rule on the PC later. Not ideal but keeps pests to a minimum.



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Message 8 of 11

Re: Email rules not working

I've now edited the rules so that they are 'noreplay@' instead of just 'noreplay', and I've disabled the two for 'MoveToFolder: Spam' in case those particular ones were confusing things. Almost all of the noreplay emails were appearing in Spam before I made the rules anyway. So I've got:

- If from contains 'noreplay@' then discard

- If sender domain contains 'noreplay@' then discard


Hopefully this will work better, and last longer than a couple of days.

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Message 9 of 11

Re: Email rules not working

UPDATE: No, it didn't work. They've come back in force already, so I've changed the keyword back to not having the @ symbol since the emails never completely stopped after that edit. I don't understand why these emails seem to be able to sidestep my rules.

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Message 10 of 11

Re: Email rules not working



Same here I have tried every combination and have concluded rules don’t work globally on character strings only individually which is a pain.

I can block info@somename individually but a rule on blocking all info@ does not work.

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