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Message 11 of 15

Re: Emails sent (wrongly) to SPAM

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Good points, but I did make sure to uncheck stop all rule checks. And my other two rules don't conflict, they all are about stopping Spam blocks. It's just weird that just one sender, and that a UK sender off a UK domain, remains blocked whatever I do. I've checked through all blocked and allowed sites and the allowed sender in question shows as allowed, and isn't also in blocked. It's a supplier that I have been using, if intermittently, for over a decade and more. I can cope with this, but it's just annoying I have to. 

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Message 12 of 15

Re: Emails sent (wrongly) to SPAM

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Who knows the quirks of the BT spam filtering. I have long ago stopped trying to understand it.

I receive regular advertising emails from a travel company and have done for a number of years, occasionally BT email will throw a hissy fit and start sending them to Spam and just as suddenly revert to sending them to my Inbox again.

Message 13 of 15

Re: Emails sent (wrongly) to SPAM

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I too get sudden unexpected visitors to my SPAM box, previously welcome guests in my inbox, but doing the 'not spam, safe sender' thing is enough to restore them for the future (for a time at least). It's the persistent refusal in this instance to accept any instruction (no, they are accepted, they're just then ignored!) which annoys me. 

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Message 14 of 15

Re: Emails sent (wrongly) to SPAM

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I must admit I never bother to tag them as not Spam or safe sender and just accept that they will eventually return to the Inbox.

Its no big deal, they still appear in Outlook on my desktop and Blue Mail on my mobile, just in the wrong folder.

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Message 15 of 15

Re: Emails sent (wrongly) to SPAM

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I think I have now resolved this issue - it was a conflict between BT Mail and another mail app. I think what was happening is that BT Mail was letting the post through initially, but it was being marked suspected spam by another mail app and in posting it to its own SPAM box it mirrored into BT Mail's. However, if I moved it out of BT Mail's spam box my other ap was then allowing it, so it looked as if all the blocking was happening only in BT Mail. Now that I have told the other app that the email source is 'ok' - it is not being blocked there, and thus no mirroring back into BT Mail's SPAM. And emails are now flowing through. I think this sort of thing was first suggested by gg30340 - but until very recently I was seeing nothing to suggest a second blocking source (my main email app) and it was accepting emails when I moved them back out of BT Mail Spam, so I assumed that that app didn't have a problem with them. Just by chance I did capture that. The app which I think was at fault normally just flags suspect mail but leaves it flagged in my in-box (unless I've confirmed previously that it's SPAM). Because it wasn't doing this I didn't think it was the primary cause. And, to be fair, BT Mail is normally pretty good as a primary SPAM filter, so not much anyway gets through to the email app I normally use on my desktop.