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Message 71 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

@BillandJane62 you're so right.  It's like paying for a car with brakes that don't work and being told to fit those parachute things that stop planes when landing on aircraft carriers 😂 

0 Ratings
Message 72 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

If you buy anything which does not work, in law you are entitled to return it for a refund.
In a contract for a service, such as BT's, the same will apply, surely?
If many people do this, maybe BT will correct the fault?
0 Ratings
Message 73 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

"What do we want... proper email - when do we want it - NOW..."

Altogether now, chant & repeat...

Now we'll need someone to make up some nice placards, any volunteers? 🤣

Message 74 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

@wossip   have you ever tried BT's complaints procedure ... I think the philosophy is they hope you will die before they have to do anything remedial ... 😫

0 Ratings
Message 75 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I've had BT email for longer than I care to remember. It took them years to iron out all the glitches of the original format but eventually they did and it although fairly basic, it was dependable, user friendly and capable of most things.

 This new format is simply awful. 

Pointless colours.

You cannot write and email longer than 3/4 of a line or it jumps top the start of your text and wrecks it.

It auto selects an email. I have inadvertently deleted email I wanted to keep because of this crazy system.

If you are going down a list selecting email to move or delete and you miss the centre of the fairly small box you have to tick it automatically wipes out all the ones already selected and you have to start again.

These are just the more annoying (for me) of the many glitches. The designers of this need to be let go (or sent off for training)

This is not acceptable from any company yet alone the once great BT.

0 Ratings
Message 76 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

It is sad.

I have no idea how to get this problem through to BT. 

Surely they would do something about it if they knew about the dissatisfaction and how widespread it is.


0 Ratings
Message 77 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

I hate it, it's slower, and I also keep deleting emails accidentally that I need to keep as it automatically ticks the box when you view it.

I have also been inundated with spam, 99 emails in one day.

It's horrible & I would like the old format back.

Message 78 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

@moonhair @martin2000 Have you had a look at this thread which may be of some help with some of the problems you are having with BTMail webmail user interface.

0 Ratings
Message 79 of 107

Re: New BT Email format


@moonhair @martin2000 Have you had a look at this thread which may be of some help with some of the problems you are having with BTMail webmail user interface.

Just read that, a fine piece of work! 👍

Message 80 of 107

Re: New BT Email format

Hi gg30340

Thank you - that summary is quite good. It doesn't cover the issue of the cursor jumping back to the start all the time when you compose emails, but it has some helpful tips. In particular another bugbear in the new email format - ie: how to select a spam email without opening it so that the email's sender / email's domain can be blocked before the email is then deleted.  

That said, sadly I have become very despondent about this forum. The summary that you referred to says that BT monitor the forum and I believe you have said the same in your posts in the past, but where is the evidence of this? Surely, if that were true  then BT could / should post on the forum themselves to say something along the lines of " Hi everyone, BT's  technical team here. We are reading these posts and realise that there are serious issues with our new email rollout. We are working on these and we anticipate having them fixed by ....[date]......". Better still, why don't BT send an email to all of their email customers saying the same thing?  Yet there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that I can see on this forum that BT are taking any interest in the issues raised. Nor do they seem to be communicating with their customers at all on the matters raised. I am a fairly tolerant person but, I have to say, that this level of service  is just not acceptable.