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Message 1 of 9

Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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Good morning,

After many years I’ve cancelled my BT Broadband as my new home already has BT Broadband.  I have tried to purchase premium email so that I can continue to download my emails to my Apple email client.

The order is showing as stuck on open and the tracking details is in red.  The chat function for help doesn’t work and I currently can’t use the landline as the house phone is dead.  Mobile reception is poor so the web is my only chance of help.

Has anyone got any experience of buying premium email and getting it to work how it did before cancelling broadband? I’ve downloaded the BT email app and added one of my 5 email addresses and the second I tried rejected the password even though that works on the web login.

Any advice gratefully received as I need my email but don’t have lots of time to sort it out at the moment.

Thank you.

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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If your new home already has BTBroadband and the broadband account is in your name there is no need to take out a BT Premium email subscription.  Your present email should still continue to work. Just add your new broadband account into your "old" MyBT.

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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Thank you so much for your reply.

Currently the “new” broadband account is in my brothers name but we will be sharing costs so it might be feasible to add my band to the account.

How would this affect my existing email accounts on the “new” broadband if I add the account to my cancelled broadband account?

Hopefully you can make sense of what I’ve just tried to explain!

Thank you.

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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You can not add your broadband account to his or your name to his broadband account.

Are you getting your own broadband at your brothers house.

If not you can add your email account to his  BT Broadband account.

See link.

Message 5 of 9

Re: Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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The BT page noted indicates: "You can link your BT email address to a broadband or Premium email billing account as long as:
-- You're the account holder of the gaining account
-- You know the password of the email address you want to move.
But the OP is not the account holder of the gaining account - his brother is. So I'm not clear whether this will be allowed.
Of course his brother could set up an additional email account for the OP (within the allowed 11 email accounts), but I suspect that he'd need to use a slightly different email address for the OP, because the OP's original email will come up as "already in use", since it will have become a basic account after the OP cancelled his broadband service.
I'm not clear how this can be resolved but perhaps others can advise?

Message 6 of 9

Re: Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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Don't get hung up on semantics. The OP can link his email addresses to his brother's account as long as both parties are happy with the arrangement.

Message 7 of 9

Re: Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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Your concerns are covered in the sub-link

Can I move an email address that belongs to another person?

The whole idea of the linking account was brought out to enable people to link their BTMail account to another person's broadband account in this type of scenario.

It was so that the person could keep the account as a BTMail Standard account rather than it being downgraded to a BTMail Basic account or having to pay for a BTMail Premium account.

When the email account is linked to another broadband account it becomes one of the eleven email accounts that the "gaining" account is able to have.

As long as the account is then "gifted" to the original owner of the email account, which it will be if the process is followed, it will mean that the original owner will have full control of the email account and the "gaining" broadband holder, in this case the OP's brother, will not be able to access or do anything with the email account except delete it if he chose to do so but not with out the original owner being made aware that that is what the brother wanted to do.

As regards the part about "knowing" the password. The gaining account holder, his brother, does not need to know this. It would only need to be known if the original owner of the email account was not able to enter the email address into the relevant part of the process.

As this process is usually done when the two parties are together it is generally not a problem but if the brother had to reveal the password, it is a simple process to change the password after the process has been completed.

Message 8 of 9

Re: Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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Thank you to everybody who has responded.  I will try to add my email to my brothers account - with his permission of course.

Hopefully this will work.  Thank you.

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Message 9 of 9

Re: Premium Email after cancelling Broadband

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Thank you so much for your help.  

I managed to successfully transfer all email accounts over to my brother’s broadband account and they now successfully work again on my email client.  

I’m very grateful, thank you.