Since around 16.40 this evening (16th Nov) my BT mailbox has been getting bombarded with spam email - at the rate of one email ever couple of seconds. The emails originate from senders around the world - Chinese, Russian, Belarus - you name it. Much like a denial of service type attack.
Far too many for me to manage filtering.
I wondered if there was a problem with BT's spam filter?
Forwarded a few of the emails to the phishing email box at BT in the hope they might be able to help.
Anyway I called BT Support and the assistant said he had referred the matter to another team - but he was unable to give me a ticket/reference number. So I have no way to track the incident.
Anyone have any idea what is going on - and whether my email address is salvageable. I take it my email address now exists on numerous compromised lists.
@timfoggo wrote:
I take it my email address now exists on numerous compromised lists.
You can check here
Despite the dodgy looking url, it is a kosher site.
Similar problem with Spam emails. Also text size substantially reduced. How do I adjust text size?
Something certainly seems to have changed (at least from my point of view) in the last couple of weeks or so.
Spam levels certainly seem to have increased, though not dramatically and the content has changed. Most annoyingly, a percentage of what is clearly (to me) spam is getting into my in box, whereas before virtually nothing did.
Perhaps I’ve managed to filter out the old content, or perhaps the spammers are getting more sophisticated?
I agree - something has changed with regard to BT's spam filters.
My flood has now reduced to a trickle - but still way more than I used to get which was almost none.
BT clearly did something after I first reported it but finding out exactly what they did is proving difficult.
Have since resorted to a liberal use of BT's "Block Domain" and "Block Sender" options to stem the flow.
Will let you know if BT ever give me an explanation.
Certainly be interesting to hear what they (may) tell you. I’ve done little more than report the most blatant phishing items and likewise added some new blocks and rules.
Four, shall we say ‘questionable’ emails just turned up in Inbox. Obviously spam (to me) from the content. Three from gmail accounts so domain not blockable without blocking genuine mail. Reported to the abuse address @ gmail.
Really not very good.