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Message 1 of 5

They have made a mess of email

Why on earth have BT change the email setup?


I was expecting an email from a royal society with respect to an invite only to find it not even in spam or inbox but another folder and I didn't even have a filter set for it, If I'd not been searching for something else I probably would not have seen it now and would have missed  the opportunity.

When I did look at setting a filter then went back to check others, all the other filters I had been using had gone, not a single one beside the new one were there.

A note to BT and this is an old quote: when something isn't broken don't fix it. Leave the thing alone, and don't say it was a change by yahoo because I use Yahoo elsewhere, so does my partner and nothing has changed with those accounts.

I have now have emails all over the place in the wrong folders, has BT been hacked?




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Message 2 of 5

Re: They have made a mess of email


BT severed all links with Yahoo in 2013/14 so I have no idea why you would think that it would be blamed on Yahoo!

BT have made a change to their email system and to say that there have been some issues would be an under statement.

If you had taken the time to look through the forum you would have found a number of threads about this. 

Email - BT Community

The main thread is this one.

BT Webmail Feedback - BT Community

BT have acknowledged the issues and are working on fixing them, albeit to slowly for many of its customers.

Webmail migration update - BT Community

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Message 3 of 5

Re: They have made a mess of email

When I started using bt about 6 years ago, they stated then that the email was based on Yahoo's system, that's why I thought it still was Yahoo, I wasn't blaming Yahoo, I'm blaming BT.


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Message 4 of 5

Re: They have made a mess of email

Well who ever "they" was they were mistaken. BT set up their own email system.

You said "Leave the thing alone, and don't say it was a change by yahoo because I use Yahoo elsewhere ...."  which infers to me that you thought "BT" or who ever responded to your post would try and blame Yahoo.

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Message 5 of 5

Re: They have made a mess of email

Quite how helpful this response is is subjective!

I have found over many years certain responders on here would ‘lay down and die’ for bt and as in this case put the blame on us customers by saying things such as ‘if you had bothered to look’. 
I will not enter into this further than to say that due to NO FAULT OF MY OWN AND MANY OTHER PAYING CUSTOMERS bt e mail has become unusable. In a response the other day by the same person they chastised a contributor for ‘you can’t wait 5 minutes for an email’

This is just sad. I have moved on as suggested by this person many times but the odd forgotten link occasionally pops up as now and I am thrown back here.  There is life outside bt. 

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