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Message 1 of 8

email issues using Apple products

Hi, I am a MAC user and this week I have been having several issues with email. My BT email has been on my phones, IPAD and Mac book for years without issue, but now I can receive email but can't send anything. I keep getting error messages and when I have checked the settings, it shows the account as online, but it simply won't verify the account. I have checked all the server settings and everything is fine, as I say I am receiving emails, just can't send them. My wife is in exactly the same situation.

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Message 2 of 8

Re: email issues using Apple products

Are you a BT Broadband customer or paying for your email account through a BT Premium email account?

If none of the above your email accounts will have been down graded to a BTMail basic account which can only be used with a web browser and not an email client/app.

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Message 3 of 8

Re: email issues using Apple products

Ah ok, so just recently moved to full fibre with another provider (Gigaclear unfortunately) as we are a rural community and the only way to get decent internet speeds was through this route. I assume then that going forwards, essentially I either have to pay for BT premium or move all our email addresses we have set up to an alternative like my iCloud email address - would that be correct? if I pay for the premium, does that mean I can keep my current setup working as it was before?

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Message 4 of 8

Re: email issues using Apple products


You can either pay for Premium Mail and continue to use mail apps as before or revert to Basic Mail which is only accessible via webmail.

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Message 5 of 8

Re: email issues using Apple products

thanks for your help, that's great. One other question though, I have just been through the process (painful) of setting up the direct debits for both mine and my wife's account, but then I see you can have up to 11 email addresses - I assume I need two direct debits, one for each of us, as we use separate phones, iPads and laptops?

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Message 6 of 8

Re: email issues using Apple products

No, there is only one account which can have up to 11 addresses associated with it. Any addresses you already have will be associated but as far as I'm aware, you won't be able to create any new ones.

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Message 7 of 8

Re: email issues using Apple products

ok well perhaps I need to cancel one of the direct debits then, they are associated emails but getting through to BT to clarify this will be a nightmare, unless they have support on the forum that can advise.

Thanks for your assistance, been really helpful and appreciated .

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Message 8 of 8

Re: email issues using Apple products

Your email addresses, provided they were all set up from the same BT Broadband account will all be moved onto BT Premium email if you set up an account on that.

You can have up to eleven email addresses and you will be able to set up new ones as long as it does not exceed the eleven.

If your wife's email account is one that you set up from the same BT Broadband account it will be moved over and be part of your eleven addresses and she does not need to pay anything over and above what you are paying.

You can call the BT Premium email team on 0808.100.6778who should be able to assist.

What is Premium email and how do I get it? | BT Help