Couple of times in the last two weeks I've tried to login to my btopenworld email, only to receive the 'wrong username, password' red error box. I've checked caps lock, retyped very, VERY carefully, but to no avail - still insisting I've made an error.
Then an hour later it's working again - with exactly the same inputting. Haven't ever had this before in 20+ years of using btopenworld. Anyone else having this problem?
Sometimes an email server has a problem that resolves itself in a short time.
You should try using the instead of They are interchangeable but the preferred one is You will still receive all your emails.
Thankyou - I tried using btinternet the first time it happened but didn't make any difference - still got the error message. It's not a problem if it resolves itself reasonably quickly - worse thing is thinking your memory's playing tricks or your typing fingers aren't working!!