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Message 1 of 4

is there a way to allow a BTinternet email user to be part of a Google Group so I can send emails to

is there a way to allow a BTinternet email user to be part of a Google Group so I can send emails to all of my 100 members in the walking group?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: is there a way to allow a BTinternet email user to be part of a Google Group so I can send email

you can be part of the group but max emails sending to group members is 49/50 so you would need to groups.  far easier just setting up gmail address and using that for the group and sending 100 no problem

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Message 3 of 4

Re: is there a way to allow a BTinternet email user to be part of a Google Group so I can send email

Not sure I understand what you are saying.  There is no low limit on Google Groups.  A friend uses it for 250 members.  I currently use a Gmail account to send to 100 (or more actually sometimes) and that works fine.  What I want is a simple way of one of my walking group members sending an email to the whole group.    


Google groups seems to work fine with most email systems (plusnet, ntlworld etc.) but is not working with Btinternet.  I would like to understand why.


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Message 4 of 4

Re: is there a way to allow a BTinternet email user to be part of a Google Group so I can send email

using BT mail has a max limit of 49/50 email in one group

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