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Email sent file

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We had our email hacked into a few weeks ago and the hackers sent emails to all our contacts but must have stoped the emails gooing to our sent file. since then the emails we send do not show up in the sent file even though they have been sent and so far BT do not know how to put this right. any ideas?

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Message 2 of 4

Re: Email sent file

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Log onto your email account using a web browser and go to the settings found by clicking on your user name at the top right hand side. Once there click on "Mail" on the left hand side then tick the box marked "Save sent messages" then click "Save". 

You will probably find that the hackers did not actually use your email account to send the emails. They will more than likely just have spoofed your email address to make it look like the emails have come from you in order to give them some credibility that they are genuine to your contacts.

See link about spoofing.

 Email spoofing - Wikipedia

Message 3 of 4

Re: Email sent file

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I should have added, if your email account was hacked, the hackers will have stolen your contacts list. This can not be un-stolen so you and your contacts may find that they will receive scam emails purporting to be from you for ever more. 

You should make your contacts aware you were hacked and advise them to be very careful if they receive any emails from you that that ask for anything or ask them to click on a link within the email.

You should also have a read through this link and follow it and the sub links advice. I would also suggest that if you have not done it already you should contact your bank and any other place that you use the email address and advise them you were hacked.  

How can I tell if my email account is no longer secure? | BT Help

As annoying as it may be you may find that ultimately the best thing to do is to stop using that email address and advise your contacts that should they receive any emails from it to treat it as spam and delete it immediately.

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Message 4 of 4

Re: Email sent file

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Thank you, It was so easy I do not know how BT failed to tell us to do that. thanks aghain.
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