Message 161 of 167

Re: Email disconnections have returned November 2023


First of all unlike you I was not moaning, I was pointing out what you could do as regards Yahoo and what BT have done with regards to BTMail and what they may do in future to BTMail

Secondly if you care to read the multiple threads on this board Home phone including Digital Voice - BT Community you will see that what you have posted about Digital Voice has been covered in multiple threads numerous times so you may wish to read some of them to see what BT are doing to mitigate your comments about power cuts, which I'm sure you will be aware also affects people who presently use cordless phones when there is a power cut.



You're priceless 😂 Of course a cordless phone won't work in a power cut! Hence anyone with any foresight for emergencies will have a proper corded phone (like me, mum, friends & family). BTs solution is to offer a 'power pack' which will have a 2 hour duration - told to me my BT themselves when I discussed the issue of the vulnerability of mum. 

Fairly useless if she's asleep when powercut starts, and has need of the phone when waking. (Battery will be long dead)

Look, I appreciate you could care less about the issue, but I found her 3 years ago collapsed on the floor from a stroke, there was a powercut at the time which may or may not have impacted on her fall, we still don't know. The point is I was able to lift her phone and dial 999 which absolutely saved her life. Next year, I won't have that option, as I can't even use my mobile as there is no signal.

Like I said, no one will care over this until the Daily Mail report the 1st death.

Note to moderator - please delete this if you wish, out of character I am writing this out of sheer anger & frustration...

Message 162 of 167

Re: Email disconnections have returned November 2023

Sorry to hear about your mother, I hope she has made a good recovery. 

As this is now getting off the topic of the thread I will not comment further regarding Digital Voice.

Message 163 of 167

Re: Email disconnections have returned November 2023

I apologise for going off topic. Normal service will now be resumed at simply whinging over BT's email service 😂

(Mum celebrated her 86th last week, still going strong, thank you...)

Message 164 of 167

Re: Email disconnections have returned November 2023

I was unaware that BT were no longer offering an email service to new customers, thanks for that information. I suspect this is because they are unable to offer an even "adequate" at best service to their existing customers. Makes me wonder why we're paying a premium for less & less each year.

Also thanks for your constructive & helpful comments about Yahoo. Hopefully new customers will see these and head towards another provider.

Good to have you here supporting BT's existing customer base.

Message 165 of 167

Re: Email disconnections have returned November 2023

Personally attacking other contributors posts? Really not worthy of the 'distinguished sage' rank. Then patronising them to compound the insult. Hmm

Folks come here for help &, frankly, looking for somewhere to voice their frustrations with BT in the hope of a sympathetic ear. Belittling their posts and treating them in such a condescending way is really not OK. 

Be kind, be patient with folks who may lack the technical background & understanding you have. A little bit of empathy costs nothing. 

Message 166 of 167

Re: Email disconnections have returned November 2023


I've been wanting to respond to some of the condescending comments before now but, as a newcomer to this forum, I thought I had better not do so.  Thank you for voicing what I've been feeling.

Message 167 of 167

Re: Email disconnections have returned November 2023

OK guys.

Lets keep it friendly. I'm locking this thread. If you're seeing email disconnections please start a new thread.

