Message 21 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

Would be OK if it was as simple as changing an email address but it isnt. I have had my email address for years and years - I do not want to change it. I have business cards, flyers, websites etc that use this email. BT should be sorting it out - it is clearly obvious that something has changed on thier side.

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Message 22 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.


You should not be using the BT Residential Mail service for a business.

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Message 23 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

It is only a hobby - why ever not?
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Message 24 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

You said business cards, flyers etc. That sounds more like a commercial operation.

Read the BT Residential T&Cs. Business users use btconnect email addresses and use Microsoft365. You will see those quite a lot on commercial vehicles.

You would be better using a public email service like Gmail, which is much better at filtering spam.

As it is, you will just have to put up with the spam, or use an e-mail client which can filter spam out.


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Message 25 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

So still no input/comment from BT?

Do they read comments from their users on this forum? 


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Message 26 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

@Genes32 wrote:

So still no input/comment from BT?

Do they read comments from their users on this forum? 


This is a BT residential customer to customer forum. Your post does not go to BT. The only BT staff are the forum moderators who do not necessarily read all the posts.

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Message 27 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

I sympathise - me too!  Rules doesn't seem to work - exhausting!

Someone should help - especially when you've been a customer for 30 years +

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Message 28 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

I've noted that most of the recent spam emails have been coming from email addresses in the following formats:







I've just added two new rules to block all emails containing either @in. or @ followed by rdl. (sorry, but when I tried typing the @ immediately in front of rdl. in my post, it was tagging another forum member!  So hopefully you can all follow what I was meaning to type!).

Only time will tell if those latest rules will actually work!


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Message 29 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

@andydenyer  Thank you for coming up with a possible solution. I have been reporting many many of these emails and at the moment the numbers seem to have dropped off. I am going to be very wary of giving out my email address in future! Jennie

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Message 30 of 38

Re: Help over 50 spam and vile emails coming every day since the new BT email started.

Those are exactly the ones I’ve been getting. Thank you for your new rules. I’ve had a random attempt but not 100% sure. I thought * was a wildcard and gets all. Many thanks. 

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