Message 1 of 5

Why is deleting and adding the BT email client the only SMTP fix?

In outlook.  SMTP just keeps failing. Once it does this for a couple of days, why is the only fix to delete the outlook mailbox and add it again?  Is this a case of connecting to a duff BT mail server? (Nb this is with a fully paid up BT broadband account).

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Why is deleting and adding the BT email client the only SMTP fix?

Hi @Callerab 

Welcome to the BT Community

If you're able to send emails by logging into your email through the website at BT Email, this would suggest an issue with your email client. 
We don't support 3rd party email clients, so it may be worth checking the Microsoft help pages for support on their service. 

In the mean time, have you tried setting up as IMAP instead? You can find the settings required for this at BT Email server settings

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Message 3 of 5

BT email and Outlook ("Outlook" that comes with Microsoft subscription 365 or whatever its called)

Hello.  Quite specific question.  Is there anything I should know about using BT email in Outlook (the version that comes with MS  365 subs)?  We have continual/intermittent "your SMTP password is wrong" and just generally sluggish response with BT email servers.   

Do I need to reinstall Outlook, buy a new computer... etc etc.  Checked IMAP settings 100s of times. 

Email access via bt.com is fine (if very slow).  Thanks for any pointers.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: BT email and Outlook ("Outlook" that comes with Microsoft subscription 365 or whatever

An intermittent but long standing issue. Some suggest rebooting theerouter to get a different IP address & maybe a different mail server.

You omitted "Subscribe to a decent mail service" from your "Do I need to" list. 😉

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Message 5 of 5

Re: BT email and Outlook ("Outlook" that comes with Microsoft subscription 365 or whatever

I sent a test message from my iPad email and it worked but it's exactly the same settings as in Outlook. As soon as I sent the email on my iPad  the email worked in Outlook on my PC.

It can and does happen in both apps which makes me suspect BT's own firewalls or IPS are stopping traffic - or they've done a DNS change which puts their networks in Mexico again #facepalm

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