Message 1 of 10


Hi there - I have been unable to access my email or My BT page for almost two weeks. I have contacted the help message site - presumably India - There is nothing wrong with my VPN - I have tried different servers - everything - I live in Spain but caved and called UK - was told someone would get back to me within 48 hours! - That was last Wednesday! Still nothing. I am a writer and many sites and people  are linked to that address - so frustrated! Can anyone help?  Thank you

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Message 2 of 10

Re: email

have you tried accessing your email with using VPN

do you pay for premium email or do you have just basic email?

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Message 3 of 10

Re: email


Hi there - I have been unable to access my email or My BT page for almost two weeks. I have contacted the help message site - presumably India - There is nothing wrong with my VPN - I have tried different servers - everything - I live in Spain but caved and called UK - was told someone would get back to me within 48 hours! - That was last Wednesday! Still nothing. I am a writer and many sites and people  are linked to that address - so frustrated! Can anyone help?  Thank you

This probably won't answer your question, but BTinternet email is for people that live in the UK - it's part of the T&Cs.

If you've not done so, set up a Gmail account and use that. Tell all your contacts. It might take a few months to get around to people - but you will be better off.

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Message 4 of 10

Re: email

Hi - I have been here for 5 years with no problem - I know it is not VPN or server issue as have tried everything - If they have closed my account I think it's a bit off that it was without warning - also that the customer service agent I called promised to get back to me and never did. I have been with BT for over 20 years, both here, UK and other countries without problem. To be honest, I would at least like to know what happened. I keep wondering if I was hacked, which is disturbing. If you could at least find out for me, that would help. Thank you.

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Message 5 of 10

Re: email


This is just a customer to customer help forum, everyone here, including myself, are just customers.

The only BT Employees are the forum moderators.


As per T&C's of the service:

Special conditions that apply to the service

By using the service, you agree that:

  • it will be used mainly in the UK;
  • you permanently or normally live in the UK and you will tell us straight away, and stop using the service, if that changes;
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Message 6 of 10

Re: email


Hi - I have been here for 5 years with no problem - I know it is not VPN or server issue as have tried everything - If they have closed my account I think it's a bit off that it was without warning - also that the customer service agent I called promised to get back to me and never did. I have been with BT for over 20 years, both here, UK and other countries without problem. To be honest, I would at least like to know what happened. I keep wondering if I was hacked, which is disturbing. If you could at least find out for me, that would help. Thank you.

VPNs have caused issues in the past, possibly because some of them might default to non UK IP addresses. Even then, it does depend whether a UK VPN IP address (assuming you've tried that) is on any form of blocklist.

If you gave a non UK phone number to contact you - I would anticipate that they may not be allowed to call non UK numbers.

Have you gone down the "Forgotten password" options via webmail?

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Message 7 of 10

Re: email

I suspect the T&C about being a UK resident is a red herring and is not the cause of your problem not least because I have never heard of the condition being enforced.

If you are not a BT Broadband customer or paying for your email account via a BT Premium email account your email account will have been downgraded to the BTMail Basic account which can only be accessed using a web browser.

Have you tried accessing your email account without using your VPN?

Have you tried accessing it on a web browser using a mobile device using 3g/4g without the VPN ?

Have tried using a different browser?

Do you get any error messages.


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Message 8 of 10


Hi - It's me again! I contacted you as my bt mail was blocked to me, plus the MY BT page. I have given up on trying to access it, however, on my Mac keychain is appears that someone signed into my BT email - I am seriously concerned that I was hacked - but how can I be sure and what can I do about it? I would really appreciate some advice as this is really worrying me.  Thank you

0 Ratings
Message 9 of 10

Re: email

I have moved you onto your original thread to keep everything together.

See link and sub links about hacked email accounts and what to do about it.

Email security | BT Help

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 10

Re: email

Hi again

Thank you to everyone who tried to help me get back into my email account. Sadly, after trying everything and now almost a month - still no access to email or MY BT page.  This has caused me no end of problems as I had that email address for over 20 years and most of my apps and contacts are linked to that address - also, my own fault - some of those had an old phone number so there is no way for me to change log ins and such.  I do love a mystery (it's my genre in writing) - but do like a resolution and am totally perplexed over this one. I guess I have to give up now - but I would love to know what happened.

Anyway, thank you all again for trying to help.


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