Message 1 of 9

Account Manager Help

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I have applied to be account manager for my elderly mum's account as she is getting nowhere with reporting a fault on her line which keeps happening.
As a side note:
I have even had two fault checks run via the BT text fault system and be told an engineer will be in contact within 48 hours (twice) and nothing ever comes of it. She is vulnerable and I am annoyed that it is not straightforward in helping her.
I have called and given up waiting in queues for 45 mins and tried to online chat inwhich I ended up chatting with myself...
Anyway, the account manager states it is pending. It does not state who has to verify things to get it out of pending. If it's my mum it'll be a long wait as she does not use the Internet.
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Message 2 of 9

Re: Account Manager Help

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Create a BTID in your mother's name as account holder rather than trying to create an account manager role.

Is she registered with BT as a vulnerable customer?


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Message 3 of 9

Re: Account Manager Help

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Hello. Okay, I will try this approach. Will it show in there about fault reporting?

No, she is not registered as vulnerable customer. I didn't know there was such a priority before today and her not being online it won't help if the only way BT contacts such members is online.


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Message 4 of 9

Re: Account Manager Help

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I tried doing this - to create an ID and it gave me a screen saying Confirm Identity. We do not have your email or mobile in our records. It now wont let me do anything else...
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Message 5 of 9

Re: Account Manager Help

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Message 6 of 9

Re: Account Manager Help

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Yes. Now I seem to be in more of a confused mesd. Sorry I know you are trying to help but the system is so not user friendly. I mean there isnt even a visible button/option to logout.
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Message 7 of 9

Re: Account Manager Help

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Hi @Marsoc,

I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you've been having setting things up so you can talk about your mum's account, and that she's been having issues with her service.

If you register your mum as a vulnerable customer then this will mean our team have this information available whenever we speak with you or her, either online or over the phone, so it will be handy to have this information registered.

I'd recommend giving the team a call, and they can look into everything that has happened until now, and help you get this sorted. I know you've mentioned you've tried calling before, and not been able to get through, but the team will be best placed to get this resolved for you.


Message 8 of 9

Re: Account Manager Help

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Thanks Rach. I got through this morning. I will just try calling next time, as early as poss in the day and keep at it each day until I get through. Sadly I won't be trying to use the online or text options again. I have been put right off. Anyway, thank you for your reply and all the best.
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Message 9 of 9

Re: Account Manager Help

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I'm glad to hear you've been able to speak with the team about this now @Marsoc.

I understand that this hasn't been a great experience, and I'll get your feedback passed on, so we can work to improve this moving forward.

You know where we are if you need any further support 🙂
