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Message 1 of 14

Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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The so called Advanced Digital Voice phone I have seems to be actually a retrograde phone in at least one respect:  contact recognition'.  It's supposed to have it as the user guide clearly says ' If the caller is in
your Contacts, your screen will turn green and their name is displayed, or just the number if they’re not.' 

Well it does not

Some background:

When I enter contacts in I always prefix the number with 1470 so that the recipient of a call knows it is us calling them (we have outgoing calls set to number withheld as a default).  So Joe Bloggs might be 1470 01234 789012.  Now if Joe Bloggs calls in the Caller ID code received will be  01234 789012.

On my really old BT DECT phone it recognises this as Jo Bloggs and shows Jo Bloggs on the screen 

On my supposedly advanced Digital Voice phone is just shows as 01234 789012 leaving me to guess who is calling.

So does anyone know please

  • Do these Advanced Phones not recognise contacts at all and the user guide is wrong?
  • They just don't understand about 1470?
  • I'm doing something wrong?

or even that maybe there's a way round this?  It does seem strange to have a supposed 'advanced' phone that can't do what a 10 year old BT phone does easily.




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Message 2 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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As mentioned here

The answer may be having double entries, i.e. a separate entry for outgoing calls with the 1470 prefix added.

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Message 3 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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I obviously don't know your calling pattern, but if the majority of calls you make are to contacts which you are happy to reveal your number to rather than strangers, wouldn't it be simpler to just withold your number from the few calls that need it rather than a blanket withheld.

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Message 4 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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As mentioned here

The answer may be having double entries, i.e. a separate entry for outgoing calls with the 1470 prefix added.

Thanks Keith and apologies to all for starting a duplicate thread (I did search).  Duplicate entries would seem to be the only way - what a pain.

Seems the so called 'advanced' BT phone is in fact nothing like it if it can't do obviously needed functionality they had in BT phones years ago.  With Digital Voice Adapters that don't do Caller ID and 'Advanced' phones that don't recognise Caller ID it's all like a leap back to last century by BT 



Message 5 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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Are your contact numbers entered as you have shown with spaces? If so try removing the spaces, I recall a post where they had this problem and removing the spaces then allowed the caller's name to be displayed.

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Message 6 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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you could also use the same contact but add the 1470 prefix and enter in space for 'work' (no spaces in number) so the same contact can have 3 numbers home, mobile and work.  this way when you want to phone a contact you will see the numbers displayed and then select the number you want to dial.  incoming calls should also be recognised and display caller ID

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Message 7 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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Are your contact numbers entered as you have shown with spaces? If so try removing the spaces, I recall a post where they had this problem and removing the spaces then allowed the caller's name to be displayed.

No, in fact if you add them using the phone it won't let you put spaces in.  However when it shows the incoming calls it does show spaces.  

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Message 8 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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you could also use the same contact but add the 1470 prefix and enter in space for 'work' (no spaces in number) so the same contact can have 3 numbers home, mobile and work.  this way when you want to phone a contact you will see the numbers displayed and then select the number you want to dial.  incoming calls should also be recognised and display caller ID

Yes I like that idea of using the 3 numbers per contact idea, thanks

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Message 9 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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And have now marked that as the solution, thanks again @imjolly .   👍

For detail though, I've put the 1470 prefix version as being the 'Home' and the bare version as being 'Work'   The phone doesn't care as it just presents the contact name whichever it actually receives.





Message 10 of 14

Re: Advanced Digital Voice Phone won't recognise incoming calls from contacts

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Thanks for update as may help others



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