Message 31 of 31

Re: BT stopping Phone Landline use!

@imjolly  Yes that usually works, it did for me, and you can also reduce the Q box's bandwidth, however there is another problem that if it happens I don't think there is a cure, only a work round, and probably a fault in some main Q boxes.

As the Main Q box is dual band but only uses 2.4Ghz if you do not have Sky broadband the Q box can sometimes try and connect to the smarthub using 5Ghz (possibly also 2.4Ghz) and fails. You can overcome this by turning off 5Ghz in the smarthub connecting and then turning 5Ghz back on, this is fine until it loses connection when you may have to do the same again.

It only did this with my Q V1 box and I had no trouble with a V2 although some people have reported it happening I have not heard of any problems yet with V3 boxes.

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