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Message 91 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

Same here. I just called myself from my mobile and it hasn't appeared in CP and, of the 4 other calls received since the 3rd of June, only two showed on CP.  It doesn't look like anyone at BT is investigating this, does it?

Message 92 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

Yes, same performance as when I first highlighted the issue at the beginning of April.  Any changes BT may have made are ineffective.

Very random as to what calls register on call protect.  Had a successful call on Tuesday.

Message 93 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

This really is getting ridiculous. Only one of the six calls I have received in the last couple of days has appeared on Call Protect. Two of the numbers are repeat calls from scammers which I can't block. It defeats the whole poinbt of having Call Protect. 

Message 94 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

Hello Swatty 


I chased this again yesterday with one of the moderators via a private message as I've obviously still got previous messages from them saved. 

Just gave me the usual spiel.


So .....if you actually monitor this site and yes I mean you lot at BT get your a*ses in gear and get this resolved!!!!!!!!!!!

0 Ratings
Message 95 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

Well said, Clarkatron, let's hope someone is listening!

Message 96 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

I reckon BT has selective deafness, I took did a PM to the moderator and got no response 

Message 97 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

So Woodbridge Pete and everyone else where do we go from here? We're just wasting our time as BT obviously couldn't give a monkeys. Obviously no one  has the technical aptitude to sort this, which is quite alarming actually. We are now running at 2 months with no resolution.

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Message 98 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

Hi Clarkatron,

I have sent a private message to the moderator who contacted me last month about CP not working properly. He closed the complaint mid May believing it was being sorted. I have explained that it is still not working reliably and asked him to escalate it with BT. I'll let you know what he says.

Message 99 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

I too had PM'd the Mod last week - no reply. So far this week I've had 4 calls come in, one not showing on CP.
Message 100 of 204

Re: Call Protect - last call number not showing

I private messaged DavidM on 3 June to say this still wasn't sorted. Nothing heard.

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