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Message 1 of 6

Changing Broadband provider - what happens to Digital Voice?


I've currently got BT's Full Fibre 100 Halo 3 package which includes Digital Voice.  The contract is about to run out and I'm contemplating switching to Plusnet as their comparable packages are much cheaper than BT's .. but Plusnet's packages are broadband only.

I'm not sure how (or if) I'd be able to get a phone service given that Plusnet's router/hub would be connected to the ONT.   I hardly use my landline phone anyway these days but I'm reluctant to ditch it completely unless I have to. 

Any advice on my options would be appreciated.



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Message 2 of 6

Re: Changing Broadband provider - what happens to Digital Voice?

You would have to sign up to a third party VOIP service & any DV phones you have won't work with that. So you would either need to buy VOIP phones or Analogue Telephone Adapter(s) to use regular phones. It would also be something of a lottery as to whether you could recover your phone number to be ported to the VOIP service.

If the phone is important it's probably better to look for an ISP that provides that.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Changing Broadband provider - what happens to Digital Voice?

You should, in time,  be able to take out a landline (Digital Voice) phone package in the same way that people who do not presently have a landline but no Broadband package will be able to have a DV phone package.

This however, as far as I am aware, is not yet available so you would need to consider a standalone VOIP service. 

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Changing Broadband provider - what happens to Digital Voice?

Hi @vwlowen1   I transferred my BT DV telephone number to Voipfone with zero problems. I now have the flexibility of changing broadband providers (broadband only) and keep my telephone number which I have had for approaching 40 years.

Message 5 of 6

Re: Changing Broadband provider - what happens to Digital Voice?

"You should, in time, be able to take out a landline (Digital Voice) phone package in the same way that people who do not presently have a landline but no Broadband package will be able to have a DV phone package."

I don't think BT DV will be possible if your broadband is provided by a non-BT provider, because it would require 2 different broadband services over the single broadband link which, AFAIK, is not possible.
It's undoubtedly good for BT but, if you want BT DV, I think you're stuck with BT Broadband!
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Message 6 of 6

Re: Changing Broadband provider - what happens to Digital Voice?

Thanks for all the replies. It looks like yet another techology that's being foisted on us before the infrastructure is in place.  Plusnet don't offer a phone service but Zen do (for £6 a month with 1000 minutes). An anologue phone can connect to their router (from what I can gather) the same as the BT hub or a VOIP phone... Looking like Zen might be my best option for now as I don't really want a separate VOIP account - although I appreciate the flexibility would be useful.

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