Message 1 of 7

DV Turn of Multi-Call

I want to turn off the Multi-Call facility, but I do not have a new DV phone and will not buy one solely for this purpose.

I do have a BT Decor 2500 phone, which has the facility to access BT services, but it predates DV, so this service is not included in the handset.  It does has Call Divert built in, with the option to switch it on and off and to check whether or not it is set.   It also has the facility to switch on Call Waiting using *43#, or to switch it off wirh #43#, and to check the status with *#43# as explained in the DV FAQ.

The phone has the option to add 2 further services.  My question is: can I I use this to switch off muti-call (ie turn it to single-call) and if so, what code do I need to add?

I am very disappointed that BT is not able to turn off the facility from their end, but require me to purchase a new phone to be able to do so.

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Message 2 of 7

Re: DV Turn of Multi-Call

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Message 3 of 7

Re: DV Turn of Multi-Call

As far as I'm aware, unless you have the DV handsets, Multi Call isn't functional hence no ability or requirement to turn it off.

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Message 4 of 7

Re: DV Turn of Multi-Call

Yes multi call is still enabled on the line regardless of phone type. I can make a call with my 2nd phone even when someone else is on a call on the main one. Neither of the handsets are the BT Digital ones, in fact one is a corded landline.

Edit: One phone is plugged in the router, and the other into a DV adapter if it matters.

OP, I think you will need to contact BT to get it turned off, there is no option I have found anywhere online or on any phone(That is not a BT digital one) that will turn it off sadly. It's clumsy, but it is what it is.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: DV Turn of Multi-Call

See https://community.ee.co.uk/t5/Broadband-Landline/Digital-Voice-curiosity/td-p/1354478 

Has 2 corded phones connected one to the router and the other to an DV adapter and received a 2nd call. From the screen shot it shows the adaptor as a DV telephone. So I assume as long as you only use the phone connected to the router or a DV adaptor, not both, then multi-call won’t work.


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Message 6 of 7

Re: DV Turn of Multi-Call

Thanks for the responses. 

I did contact the BT helpdesk, but the lady there said that she couldn't switch off multi-call from her end and that I need to do it from my phone.  As I found I could access BT Services from my existing (old) phone, I asked here what might be the code to switch off multi-call.  It seems it isn't possible unless I buy an expensive BT phone for DV.

I find it incredible that BT would install a system which it cannot access - not good customer relations in my view and a retrograde step in the name of "progress".

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Message 7 of 7

Re: DV Turn of Multi-Call

If my local Facebook Marketplace is anything to go by there's a plentiful supply around a tenner.

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