Can anyone help me with an email address for someone involved in setting up the digital voice community events. BT have booked a hall at one end of the Island which would mean a near 100 mile round trip for people from the other end. Just need to speak to someone as there are a lot of worried people here. We have a lot of power cuts and mobile signals are poor in many places or go off in a power cut too.
@IsleofMull hopefully one of the moderators will be able to help you contact the BT Digital Voice engagement team to discuss this.
There's also lots of information on the Digital Switchover, see below, and BT have multiple solutions available to allow calls to be made in a powercut (the Digital Voice team at one of the events can also go over the various solutions with you too)
The main issue is the poor choice of location for the event. I now see there are very few events in Scotland. You would think they would want to have events in more locations.
@IsleofMull I've sent you a private message.