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Message 11 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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Sorry to hear that and I do understand how annoying it is to save numbers and then have to change them.

The last 2 Code changes caused havoc updating nearly 2000 payphones of the company I worked at, since all the payphones are managed remotely using a computer and since payphones self report faults and show usage stats, everything needed updating including changing the display in all 2,000 phones.

This is just an example, other businesses like taxi firms have to produce new calling cards with the new codes.

So local dialling really has to go. 

Perhaps if you send some feedback to BT about this so that it doesn't happen again.

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Message 12 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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Northern Ireland still use 028. We got rid of 01232, which was fully phased out by '04

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Message 13 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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I am using a corded telephone, plugged directly into the sh2. on PSTN, the dial tone was almost instant. On DV, it takes a second or 2, which if you press a speed dial button too quickly, before the dial tone comes, you have to hang up and start again as the dial tone then refuses to let you dial a number if you pressed one before the tone

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Message 14 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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I know I remember Belfast as 01232.

Before 1995 it was 0232 then phONEday came in 1995 and changed to 01232 and then in 1999 028 was introduced, The Big Number day was 22nd April 2000 but the old codes stopped working 31st October 2000. I was told that they continued on from April to October due to high numbers of people still using the old codes.

The Big Number change in 2001 with mobile numbers,premium,paging and service numbers, they switched off on the actual date unlike the Geographic codes that were given an extra 6 months.

I was also told that in Northern Ireland, back in 2000 they introduced the ability to dial Republic of Ireland numbers by dialling 048 followed by the area code instead of dialling 00353, does this still work?

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Message 15 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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Hi there,

Yes, 048 works from a landline only. But if I'm calling the UK from ROI, I have to include 00353, to replace the UK code


E.g if I was calling London from ROI (even from the mobile), I'd have to dial 00353 ...... instead of 020 ......


Very confusing, but yet interesting.


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Message 16 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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That's odd. Are you sure?

0044/+44 is the usual number to call a UK number

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Message 17 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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I think this sums it up

"Ofcom raised concerns that many customers were unaware their phone lines were being replaced and that their devices would stop operating until a few days before their landlines were switched off."

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Message 18 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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Yes, it is strange but true!

To dial into R.O.I, and out of R.O.I, you must use their dialing code. Strange I know, we have a holiday home in Donegal (R.O.I) and It takes some getting used to.




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Message 19 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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Yes! 028 is true @rsmyth492 

Message 20 of 34

Re: Digital Voice - Problems and questions

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Do you remember the days of 01232. 

Also, The days when your number was something like "Stormont 761972"

We stuck with that up until the days of 028, as everyone knew Belfast as 01232!


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