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Message 11 of 18

Re: Digital Voice not configured on Hub

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Thanks. I have up to now used the adviser phone contact, about 8 times, and been directed to Ireland, Scotland and Yorkshire on different occasions. Plus point is you get through quickly and people try to help. Negative point, none of them have so far. However there are some potentially useful alternative routes suggested here, including yours, so I will try those.
Appreciate the help.
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Message 12 of 18

Re: Digital Voice not configured on Hub

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Yesterday, 13th march, the SmartHub2 got configured and everything is now working.
Thanks again for the suggestions.
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Message 13 of 18

Re: Digital Voice not configured on Hub

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Message 14 of 18

Re: Digital Voice not configured on Hub

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I didn't have a chance to try any of the suggestions posted here. The phone just started working on the 13th with a call from BT and the HUB showed it had finally been configured. I guess earlier persistence in calling advisers eventually bore fruit.

Message 15 of 18

Re: Digital Voice not configured on Hub

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Just a quick footnote to this topic.
We were without a phone for about 3 weeks and there is supposed to be automatic compensation for loss of service. Needless to say this didn't happen even after checking over a couple of billing periods. Eventually had to pursue this by phoning up and did get it sorted out.
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Message 16 of 18

Re: Digital Voice not configured on Hub

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Deja Vu

On Tuesday 5th March our broadband and phone went down. I contacted the BT Help webchat to find out what happened and went through the rigmarole of identity and basic checks, including instructions on a factory reset. I foolishly allowed myself to be persuaded to do this in spite of fearing that it would lose the phone configuration on the hub ( which had been so difficult to get set up originally ). I was assured that this would come back up with the broadband. Sure enough the phone config was wiped. It then transpired that the issue was a local exchange fault on Openreach. Broadband came back after a few hours...but not the phone.

This led me once more into the surreal world of BT customer services, including an unnecessary engineer visit, contact with about 6 different advisors, fault report listing the wrong issue and being closed out as reported by us to be fixed when the opposite was the case, promised phone calls which never happened etc.

Bizarrely the engineer visit was on the exact 1 year anniversary of this happening originally. The point of this post however is to share some things learned when DV has not been automatically installed originally.

The hub cannot be configured locally on site. No visiting engineer has the means to do this on the hub. The configuration has to be downloaded to the hub by someone in BT Central with the magic code....and this needs to be insisted on.

If you had problems getting set up initially...DO NOT do a factory reset without very careful consideration.

Also be aware that if you change the hub for any reason, due to a fault for instance, you might not get it configured unless the primary issue of associating the phone with the broadband connection has been fixed.

On Saturday 9th March , still with no phone, I had a long interaction with a first level advisor by webchat and remarkably, but true to her word she got it fixed (Thank you). Phone restored by the next morning.

Hope the account of these experiences helps

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Message 17 of 18

Re: Digital Voice not configured on Hub

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How did they configure it


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Message 18 of 18

Re: Digital Voice not configured on Hub

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I don't know exactly which part of BT does the configuration but the important thing is that this can only be done remotely by someone which the correct code to download to the hub.

If your hub web page shows "Phone not configured" or similar, and your broadband is working fine then they have failed to associate the broadband connection with your digital voice service. There is then no point in an engineer visit and you have to insist that the configuration be downloaded. No visiting engineer can do this.

I understand that BT will want to ensure that you have done everything correctly and to verify the broadband, but if you are confident of this then an engineer's visit is a complete waste of everyone's time and simply delays getting the issue resolved.

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