Message 1 of 12

Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?

How can I tell if my local telephone exchange has been enabled for BT Digital Voice yet ?

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Message 2 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?

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Message 3 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?


Digital voice can come from anywhere, its more a case of when your local exchange area is scheduled to be migrated. This information has already been published.


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Message 4 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?

So if I have broadband I can get BT Digital Voice even before my exchange is migrated because it comes from anywhere over the internet ?

But if I only had a telephone line and wanted BT Digital Voice then I’d have to wait for the special equipment to be fitted into the exchange so I could be migrated away from my regular telephone line yes ?

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Message 5 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?

If you have broadband you will offered Digital Voice when it becomes available in your area.

If you only have a phone line currently, it has not been fully decided how the migration to DV will be achieved and will probably be towards the end of the rollout.

What is behind your question?

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Message 6 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?


There is nothing installed in the exchange to provide DV, its all done on remote servers, however phone traffic that would normally originate/terminate on the old PSTN equipment in the exchange has to be re-routed, and this involves significant work. Much of this is done robotically but occasionally routes are accidentally missed out. You will see this mentioned in forum posts, where people do not receive calls from certain providers. 

Because of this work, its not simply possible to migrate individual customers onto DV by request, unless the exchange routings have been built. 

There is not really much to be gained by moving to DV, so I would wait until you have no other option, or when you renew or regrade your broadband. Then DV is going to be your only choice.

Why are you so keen to move to DV?

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Message 7 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?

Effectively every exchange has BT Digital Voice for BT customers because PSTN telephone services  cannot be ordered anymore , any ‘new’ BT customer that wants telephony gets Digital Voice .

It’s not clear to me what your question actually is , if you are a BT broadband FTTC customer and haven’t been advised of migration to DV , well everyone can’t be done at the same time , you will eventually be advised ,  it’s not clear if ADSL as well as FTTC are included in the current rollout ( although ADSL can support DV ) , if you are not a BT broadband customer ( so only have BT Telephony ) or possibly an BT ADSL customer, as stated , your migration will undoubtedly be amongst the final tranche, especially the telephone only customers, as the solution to make BT phone only BT customers compatible with IP telephony seems not to be finalised , if you are not a BT customer at all , BT rollout if DV is irrelevant to you

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Message 8 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?

I am thinking of renewing my BT Broadband package as I’m out of contract, but when I tried to choose a new package deal I see it has to come with digital voice now.

A friend of mine is just trying to do similar and is having all sorts of problems, has had his land line ceased on the day of the changeover,  currently lost his telephone number and been without any telephone for over a week now he tells me.

just trying to avoid a similar debacle really.

Is it a bit too soon to be expecting a seamless trouble free changeover ?

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Message 9 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?


You have been offered DV, that is now the only choice anyway on renewal.

Most changeovers are without any issues, but its possible that if someone had a number which was ported from another provider when they first moved to BT, then that may cause problems.

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Message 10 of 12

Re: Is my exchange capable of Digital Voice yet ?

Completely seamless when I renewed and moved to DV.

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