Message 1 of 6


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I have broadband with obvious line rental my question is "if I buy a landline phone and plug in,will it work"? I'm currently using mobile but the reception ok on some days and none existent on others. So have decided a landline needed.

I have looked in mybt to see if I can find a phone number (which there isn't) so I'm confused as to whether I need upgrade and have a call plan added.. The landline would only be for incoming calls not out going

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Landline

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If you have broadband with just line rental  and no calling then your landline phone will not work. You can check MYBT to see your package and if phone PAYE is included.  If your package does not include incoming/outgoing calls then it cannot be added and would need to upgrade package 

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Landline

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Since BT (and other ISPs) are moving everyone to VOIP and stopping the "Landline" service you might want to consider a VOIP service (not restricted to just BT) as an alternative to a "Landline". 

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Landline

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I'm not offay with technical stuff like this, but I'm assuming you mean "Voice Over Internet Protocol" . So could I buy a phone that would actually work like a landline?  How would I retrieve a phone number and would being called depend on the other person having VOIP or could they call via any phone?

I hope this isn't coming across to stupid for you lol 

Thanks for reply

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Message 5 of 6

Re: Landline

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Yes, VOIP is voice over IP.


I know Sipgate is popular but I have never used it, incoming calls are free I believe, so if you never make outgoing calls it doesn't cost you anything so I'm led to believe. You have a normal phone number that others can dial from Landlines, Mobiles or VOIP.

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Landline

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I have a non geographical phone number with Sipgate. I even got to chose a number to my liking.

It works as a pay as you go, so I originally added £10 onto the account some years ago and other than making the one or two calls to  test has worked fine.

I purchased a terminal adaptor that plugs into an ethernet socket, programmed it up with all techie stuff. On rear of adaptor is a standard pstn socket

One thing I have noticed is I have never received a junk call on it. 

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