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Message 1 of 5

Master to patch panel to phone issues

So for 20 years this set up has worked perfectly. 

Master landline to master socket. 
The Master socket has one port out to the Router for broadband.  This works perfectly.
The port it the phone out.    BUT ... this cable is cut and the 4 wires connected to a  Patch Panel (1)  and daisy chained across a series of the ports.    This allows any ethernet port in the house,  which terminate in a PatchPanel2, to be "Patched" into a phone line when connected to PatchPanel1.   
ie. Any socket in the house can become a phone line  with the RJ45 to Phone dongle, connected to the  phone.   
We have 3 phones connected this way.  All have worked perfectly for 20 years.   
Phone to  rj45 Ethernet Port in room to Patch Panel in attic (via cat5) & patched to the PhonePatchPanel and then to BT Master socket. 

About a month ago incoming calls started to be auto-answered and the caller hears a crackly line..  nobody there. 
I have line tested all cables. There are no crossovers.  
The BTMaster socket receives just 2 wires incoming -  Blue and Blue/white. 
The phone OUT from the master has 4 wires which go to the Patch panel ports (daisy chained across 4 ports). 
As I said.. this has worked for 20 years. 
What could be causing this change?   Has BT changed anything ? 
We can dial out no problem. But nobody can dial in.  The phones partially ring, but its then auto-answered.   Not by an answerphone.  Even with ONE standard handset connected, it starts to rin and then dies..  The caller thinks its been answered but nobody there and crackly. 
A few times we've even had one of the lines phone , ring non stop at 5:30 am in morning...   Anyone Explain that ?? 
Yes I know this is an old set up. There's no 'exchange' or 'switch' on the system.  But to put the Master downstairs would be a horrible task.  All wires are wall bedded but are cat5.  So !!!! 

Anyone any thoughts ? 

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Master to patch panel to phone issues

You have a line fault, causing 'ring trip'.

Report the fault to CS 0330 1234 150

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Master to patch panel to phone issues

Thanks, and Yet if I connect a phone direct to the master socket  it rings no problem as normal . 
I forgot to mention this ,,, apologies    - sorry.  Hence I've not called out engineer.  

I'm pretty sure they'd hate my set up !! 

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Message 4 of 5

Re: Master to patch panel to phone issues

Then the fault lies in your setup, a corroded joint/contact or low insulation.

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 5

Re: Master to patch panel to phone issues

Well the up cables to patchboard2 connections  are fine. All tested. 
I have 2 wires into master socket.  
yet 4 are out of the socket via rj11 which are then wired “Daisy chain”  into patch panel. 
why the extra 2? Which clearly connects to nothing.  
I’ve got new master socket and new rj11 to cut and rewire.  As all other connections have been triple checked and have worked for years.  I can’t find any wear or crossovers or bad connect points.   

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