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Message 41 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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Message 42 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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The ‘car’ analogy is pretty poor, although there are undoubtedly some issues withDV  , interconnecting networks have always had some failures , and the consumer has no way to know where these issues actually are if they are affected by them, if the calls originate on a non BT network.
The OP on BT DV could receive calls from other consumers connected to BT ,  if they were unable to receive calls from another operator ( like mobile phone company for example, but the same would apply from another UK based alternative network ) then it’s nothing more than guesswork to suggest the issue must be with BT ( the call wasn’t originated on a network that BT have no control over ) , even if the issue wasn’t present until the BT customer was migrated onto DV , it’s still possible that the issue is still with the originating alternative network , if BT advise other networks , of changes to routing data that these other company’s need to make  to terminate calls successfully on BT network, but these other companies don’t apply these changes ,  that’s hardly the receiving networks error….it’s pretty clear that the people who comment on this area have no expertise in this field.
Another more apt analogy, in the communications area rather than the automotive industry,  say you post a letter to a UK address from another country , it never arrives, it could be the senders post service that failed, the letter never made it out of the senders country, or it could be once the letter crossed the national boundary and became the responsibility of the recipients mail carrier and thats where the delivery failed, it would be ridiculous to clam to know from the outset where the failure was ,
Who should chase the failure ?, I would suggest it’s the person who sent the letter ( they may have evidence that the letter was sent , possibly a receipt for the payment made ) not the person who never received the letter.

Message 43 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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I can see where you are coming from but that doesn't explain why my daughter who is on EE can get through to our landline from her mobile whereas my sister, who is also on EE, can't.

Surely BT should have made sure all mobile networks were aware of their changes and that they subsequently worked before rolling out a system, which by their own admission (see their announcement and subsequent suspension of roll-out), is not working properly !

It still leaves users like me not getting all incoming calls from mobile users !

I now have to complaints open with BT neither of which seem to have been dealt with - I can't even see them as a fault registered on my account so am unable to track them. It would help if I could actually speak to someone but that seems to be impossible !

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Message 44 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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The  'car'  analogy was just an analogy,  and not meant to be point-for-point accurate enough to pass inspection in a court of law.    Flawed though it may be,  it does,  I believe,  make the point.

However,  the particular observation that caught my eye was:  'it’s pretty clear that the people who comment on this area have no expertise in this field.'    I'll certainly cop to that:  I have no expertise whatsoever in the field of telecommunications,  except in the sense of having used them since the days of bakelite telephones.    Aside from my age,  I suspect I probably share said lack of expertise with 99.9% of the customers  ( many of whom have posted in this very forum )  who have been negatively affected by this disastrous endeavour called Digital Voice.    To expect otherwise is to suggest  ( if I may be permitted to labour the car analogy )  that one is not qualified to comment on the performance or reliability of one's car unless one has a reasonable working knowledge of how it was built.

The part I find most intriguing,  and indeed informative  ( I won't lie:  I certainly had no idea previously that this was the case )  is the fact that if I've understood correctly  ( and my apologies if I haven't ),  the workability of Digital Voice is largely if not entirely dependent on the compliance of other companies in making changes at the behest of BT.    In other words  -  again,  unless I'm mistaken,  in which case I apologise  -  if other companies don't do what BT say they should do,  the system falls over.    In fact,  though I admittedly speak as someone who would avoid Digital Voice like the proverbial plague,  it seems to me that that's exactly what has happened  -  in fact,  unless I really am a lot more dense than I give myself credit for,  that seems to be the entire premise of the post in question.

For which reason,  I feel I must be missing something.    If not  -  if I am interpreting correctly  -  the case being put forward in defence of BT is that they've invented and marketed a system whose functionality entirely depends on the compliance of other providers  -  some of whom,  as the post in question so rightly points out,  have been disinclined to comply.

... and this was a surprise,  was it?   -   BT didn't see this coming?   -   they automatically assumed that every other provider would make changes to their own operating systems,  just because BT said that's what they needed to do?

I find it so hard to imagine that this state of affairs is actually propounded in BT's defence that I really do feel I must have missed something.    Either that,  or there are a lot of very highly-paid people in BT's development team who should be held to account  ( and I use the phrase  'held to account'  for the sake of diplomacy ).

The bottom line is:  it's not the responsibility of the consumer to understand or make allowances for the shortcomings of the service providers they pay money to.    To use the specific analogy quoted:  if I send a letter,  I do so in the expectation that it will reach it's destination  -  if it doesn't,  I don't expect to have my lack of knowledge of the postal system in my or any other country called into question as a defence against the ineptitude of the system that failed to deliver my letter.

Message 45 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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Well said Sir.

I'm surprised you remained courteous actually.

Ours is not to understand. Ours is to exchange money for a working service.

Identical, to the consumer, to any business exchange agreement.

Naysayers! Hmmmmfff

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Message 46 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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Thank you Firefox, you saved me from writing a similar post.
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Message 47 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls "SOLVED all good"

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I am now able to receive all incoming phone calls, it has taken over a month but at least it's sorted. I'm very grateful to Mathew who works at the BT call centre in Ireland, he persevered and chased this problem while others fell by the wayside. It seems it was some sort of switching problem, unfortunately fixing the original problem caused another. I went from receiving some calls to being unable to make or receive any calls. It seems my number was deleted from the system and my account, so I had to become a new digital voice user with a new phone number, very inconvenient but sorted. Once again Mathew if you get to read this thank you.

Message 48 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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ColNor53 did you ever get your problem fixed? I  have the exact same problem. Voice was installed 26th of May 2022 and as of today 16th of June I still cannot receive calls from land lines to my land line!  I can receive calls from mobile networks.  After numerous conversations with BT it was decided to cancel my voice and then issue a new voice order with a new telephone number. That actually worked! They then informed me I could possibly get my original telephone number back but it had to be completed within 30 days.  They successfully retrieved my old telephone number and told me everything would be working by midnight on the 14th of June. Unfortunately now I am back on my old telephone number I still cannot receive landline calls from landlines. 

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Message 49 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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Annie70. It was finally resolved but only by my having a new telephone number again. A very helpful lady called Janet did her best to sort out the problem whilst still keeping my old number but admitted that because something happened to our old number when we changed it was not able to be found by some mobile networks and so the quickest way to get us sorted was to start again with a new number. It all works okay now but it does seem like this is a problem they cannot resolve once you change numbers and then try to revert back to your old number.
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Message 50 of 69

Re: Not able to receive all incoming calls

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Hi there. Yes I think this is where I’m heading. Our problem is that we can’t receive calls from landlines to our landline, but we can receive mobile calls to our landline! What frustrates me is that they tell you everything has been transferred & is fine. I was told on Saturday that they had retrieved my old number & it would be working by midnight Tuesday. On Wednesday it was working but only receiving mobiles not landline calls AGAIN. 

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