We have just moved into this bungalow.
There are lots of BT boxes and wires that seem to be redundant.
We have BT Fibre 2 with Complete WiFi package so phones are just plugged into mains socket and not a BT wall socket.
Have asked BT if I can just remove these boxes and any wiring but they want to charge £130 for an engineer to come out. One in particular is a nuisance as brown wiring goes through wall at back of house, up by a drainpipe, along guttering, down whole length of house over doors and round bay windows and eventually through wall and into a main BT socket which also seems to have our main BT wire - a black one which comes along front garden wall and into a junction box which then splits into our front room and next doors front room. I want do do some pointing and don't want to put back any old redundant wiring.
Is it safe for me to remove the old socket and all wiring? If I cut wiring off on outside just before it goes into the front room do I need to cover end so that water does not track up it?
Appreciate any advice/suggestions
do you have FTTP - fibre to your home or are you still FTTC and connecting hub to master socket? do you have digital voice?
Apparently I have SOGEA FTTC with digital voice
so if FTTC then you need all the wiring up to the master socket on assumption that SH2 is connected to master socket. any wiring after master is your responsibility and can be removed
I’d avoid cutting the wiring and covering/tapping it. You could cause a Loop, aka Short.
You’re best off physically removing the wiring from the NTE.