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Sudden horrenous "wind-like" noise on landline...

Hi everyone,

Suddenly, about two weeks ago with no known cause, our landline phone became unusable due to an awful racket on the line. It sounds like wind interference, rather than crackling.

At first started suddenly and lasted for about 5 days,  then all of a sudden disappeared (appeared and disappeared without any physical interaction with the phone line/cables) and the phone line was fine again.

Then a few days later, the noise came back again and hasn't stopped since.

I've plugged in a corded phone at the wall socket and there's no noise on the line, it's clear as a bell, so it's not a problem with BT....

I've swapped out the ASDL filter, and all the cabling and checked/swapped each cable (we have an extension into the living room) individually to find the fault but nothing works, I've even disconnected the wi-fi router and turned it off to see if it was some kind of interference, but still the noise persists on the line.

Bought a new set of phones too, and it's still happening.

The only time the noise disappears is if the phone is plugged into the main socket/the extension from it.

I am clean out of ideas on what could be the issue, if not the ASDL filter that has the phone and internet coming out. The cables going in aren't the problem and a new ASDL filter hasn't stopped it either....

Anyone have any suggestions?


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