My fiber broadband was done today , but my digital phone line has gone.
Im disabled and registered with BT as a vulnerable customer.
without a phone line my panic button cant work, so now i am asking to stay somewhere else or have someone here with me all day.
Ive been told by BT it might take 24 hours to get back.
for now I am stuck and afraid to sleep until someone is here.
This is poor service for a priority issue
I should add, that I have had phone service via my BT hub before the change to fiber, so this is not a digital adaptor problem
I have flagged you post for a moderator to pickup.
@tklondon I'm so sorry there is a problem with your digital voice service after transferring to full fibre. I appreciate the worry this is causing, I'll send you a private message in a moment so you can get in touch with the moderation team and we'll be happy to help.