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Message 1 of 6

Advice sought regarding Full Fibre installation

I have just had Full Fiber 100 installed at my home. It seems to be giving well over 100 mps with my main Tablet PC, so far, --- but in another room (room b) only a few feet away I only get around 20 mbs at best, on another Tablet PC. This is worse than I got before. I have used an app on my Android phone as a speed checker in different locations, and it does report speed over 100 mbs in room (b). So could the problem have something to do with Tablet PC itself, rather than its location? If so, what might it be?

A related point is that room (b) has a Disk which came with my earlier Halo installation. Is it correct that the Disk wakes no difference to F F  100, it is ssuperfluous and can be returned with my previous Halo hub?

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Message 2 of 6

Re: Advice sought regarding Full Fibre installation

No, that is not correct. The discs are entirely independent of your broadband connection.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Advice sought regarding Full Fibre installation

Thankyou for your reply.

 It was a BT advisor who I spoke to on the phone who said the Disk was now not required and to return it. If I don't it will cost me £30, so I want to make certain what diffefence it might / might not make. I have some weeks to make up my mind. In theory it should be a simple matter of connecting a few times with and without the Disk to see what effect it has, if any, but the possibility it might be the PC itself which is responsible for the poor performance confuses the issue somewhat.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Advice sought regarding Full Fibre installation

I would keep the disc but ensure it is correctly linked to your router. I presume you got a new router when upgraded to Fibre 100?  A smart Hub 2 would be the norm. So check the settings of the router to ensure you have both 2.4 and 5Ghz bands on and that the Disc is synced.  The disc requires 5GHz band to be on.

BT should not be advising that the disc is superfluous as clearly you have unsatisfactory coverage, and the reasons for having the disc previously are still relevant.

At the router you should be getting 140mbps download routinely.  As for getting only 20mbps on some devices - that maybe that they are on a 5Ghz band which has poor reach but better bandwidth.  Or it might just be they are inefficient devices.. are they running Windows?  The best thing is to use an iPhone and do a sweep of your property and speedtest in each location and map out whether the low speed on the tablet is a device issue rather than reception issue.


BT Smart Hub 2 + BT Disc on full fibre 150Meg Halo FTTP
Macs and iphones, plus alexa, YouView box, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV+
CFP project lead.
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Message 5 of 6

Re: Advice sought regarding Full Fibre installation

Thanks for the suggestions. I was not supplied with a new Hub as I already had the latest one.

I have seen references to 5Ghz but know little about it, so will look it up. I dont know yet if the Hub is using it, and will try to find if the Hub is using it.  

Another problem I have may be relevant. I have been spending many hours trying to get my smart TV to connect with WiFi as well as with the Ethernet cable, which is OK. As well as a neighbour two BT adversers on the Chat line tried and failed to accomplish connection via WiFi. Everyone has had the same experience as me ---- we get as far as pressing the WPS button as instructed and a TV screen message to wait until WPS completes, but the wait is almost endless. There is no connection. Because the online advisers had not resolved the issue the BT Bot automatically booked a visit from a technician in a few days (without telling me or informing me of the time so I am going to have to find out, maybe by phone -- well it is only a robot). 

I have now done many checks in room (b) with and without the Disk and found not only is the download speed worse than I said, ranging from 2 mbs to about 10 mbs at best, but mostly around 6  mbs. It is the same with or without the Disk and quite unstable. So, as I asked before, could the fault lie with the PC itself? What might be wrong with it to produce these results? It has the latest update for Windows 10, and nothing wrong as far as I know except the battery only lasts about !.5 hours.

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Message 6 of 6

Re: Advice sought regarding Full Fibre installation

Mm. A lot going on there.  Overall I would take any Windows devices out of troubleshooting.  Try a smartphone to do tests.  Also sounds like inheriting a configured hub and then plugging in new Full Fibre may be an issue.  Try full reset of the hub and unplug everything and replug based on specific instructions for optical fibre - cables go in different sockets. 

i would forget about the TV for the moment - it is a distraction, and ethernet works so rely on that for the moment. 

BT Smart Hub 2 + BT Disc on full fibre 150Meg Halo FTTP
Macs and iphones, plus alexa, YouView box, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV+
CFP project lead.
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