Message 1 of 5

Archive posts - Previous HH6 topic

Hi All, 

This question is more aimed towards the forum moderator team, if they are able to help!

Back in 2016, i created this guide: https://community.bt.com/t5/Archive-Staging/BTHub6-Smart-Hub-As-WiFi-Extender-or-AP-Access-Point-amp...

It was a huge success at the time, and looking back at it i'm very overwhelmed how many views and comments this post got. I wrote that post when i was 17 years old just starting my career into IT!

Please could i have access to view this archived post so i can look through the comments? - It currently says 'You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action"

Im now 25, CDCDP qualified, and run my own business that specialises in Data Centres. Its always nice to look back on where you come from seeing as this was one of my first guides!

Its probably a bit late now, but a huge thankyou also to everybody who gave their time to follow the guide, and provide their support to other members in the forum, i am very overwhelmed it was able to help as many people as it did!



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Message 2 of 5

Re: Archive posts - Previous HH6 topic

No idea why but all posts on this forum appear to be permanently archived after three years. There have been many, many requests for access to your thread from others who have found it with a search, so I wouldn't hold out much hope.

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Archive posts - Previous HH6 topic

Hi @rbz5416 ,

Good to see you're still here!

Ah, what a shame. Hopefully i can resurrect it and post it elsewhere if people still want access to it, although would probably benefit from being re-written!

Im still in disbelief how many views it got, and how many people found it helpful


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Message 4 of 5

Re: Archive posts - Previous HH6 topic

I'm bringing this thread to the mods' attention. Not sure if they can help but they can give a definitive answer.


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Message 5 of 5

Re: Archive posts - Previous HH6 topic

Good afternoon @Jayebmx, welcome back to the BT Community forums!

I'm going to go ahead and send you a private message so we can review a few potential options to help here.
