Message 1 of 4

BT Incoming & Gas Main

I have a question regarding the BT incoming into my friends home. He has had a gas leak and needs to connect a new gas main from the meter into his garage which runs along the front of his house. The proposed route the engineer has suggested runs through the grey plastic BT incoming at low level, are you allowed to run through this, is there any issues with this and will I have to get a BT engineer involved? It’s not something I’ve encountered before. 

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Message 2 of 4

Re: BT Incoming & Gas Main

It’s not clear ( to me at least ) what’s being proposed, but if it’s that the gas ‘pipe’ is placed inside the grey ‘BT’ ducting ( it’s Openreach btw ) to avoid having to excavate the ground for the gas pipe then No that shouldn’t be done , frankly as anyone working with gas should be suitably ‘registered’ I’m staggered that it would even be suggested…they should not do it , but that’s if my interpretation of what you say they want to do is correct 

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Message 3 of 4

Re: BT Incoming & Gas Main

It was only suggested as a possible route to run around the front of the house. I’m trying to figure out all the potential issues for a friend who doesn’t know much about anything. The engineer is working off photos and not visited site so this was easily overlooked. My initial thought was your exact reply, you wouldn’t be able to go through the Openreach external termination point unless this was moved by an engineer. The most aesthetically pleasing route runs where the facing brick meets the render but that’s where the two services would clash.  

To get the gas on again as soon as possible, they’re proposing to surface mount the gas but the longer I think about it, going below ground might have to be the seriously considered option. 

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Message 4 of 4

Re: BT Incoming & Gas Main

Hi @Yagz87 

Welcome to BT Community

You'd need to contact us and arrange an engineer site visit to move the BT box if that's what was required. 
It's not possible to route a gas pipe through the BT equipment. This is a significant safety aspect to it. 

If the equipment is within the property boundary, the occupier would need to contact the service provider (BT) directly to request a move. 

However if the equipment is outside of the property boundary, they'd need to contact Openreach to make a request. 
