Message 1 of 3

BT disc issue

Hi, I am Thomas.

I just need some assistance with the BT disc and hopefully somebody can give me some solutions.

I am a competitive gamer. I have moved into another house and my BT router is on the first floor. The issue is that I cannot connect my ethernet from all the way in the loft to the first floor as that would be very annoying. 

I have a BT disc in the loft which I use for gaming for a wired connection rather than a Wi-Fi connection. When I play games (mainly Call Of Duty) it always makes me lag about and stutter.

Was wondering if anybody knew how to solve this issue on the BT disc? Is there some sort of setting I need to change? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

If so, please let me know! 🙂


Thanks very much,


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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT disc issue

Hi Thomas,

While your gaming machine is connected to the disc by a wire, the system is still using WiFi for the connection between the disc and the Hub - so you will be subject to the usual WiFi interference.

If you want to continue on WiFi you could use a WiFi analyser on a smartphone to see what the quietest channels is, and set the Hub to use that channel rather than its automatic selection.

Alternatively, you will get better performance by running an ethernet cable from your Hub to your gaming machine.  You can run a cable up to 100m, so you can probably find a way to make it fairly unobtrusive.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT disc issue

I prefer a wired connection. I have tried to use a wired connection from my PC to the hub but for some reason it stutters and doesn’t feel very smooth when playing. 

The Bt disc feels smoother but stutters aswell so not sure what the issue is at all


thank you

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