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Message 1 of 13

Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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I've jsut received notification that I'm to be moved to Digital Voice in the next 30 days.  A SmartHub 2 was sent to me 2-3 years ago which I've never used.  I connect a Deco M5 mesh system to an ECI modem (in part because the HH2 is such a clumsy object).  I have 4 desktop telephones.

I plan to install the HH2 (without the modem) and check that gets me online.  I will turn off the HH2 wifi.  Then I will remove one of my M5s, reset it and connect to the HH alone.  The Decos are quite good at finding each other - they release me from password tyranny.  I assume and expect my network to continue as now  - I have at least 20 devices connect to that, some hardwired and two Decos connected to each other.

For the phones I disconnect their line connection and feed that network from the HH2 - I have the double-ended lead - on transfer 

Has anyone done this - it ought to be easy?

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Message 2 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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I see a Business SmartHub can be set to Modem only/Bridge mode.  Can the domestic version do that - and still allow DV to run?

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Message 3 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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The home hub can't be set to modem only mode. It would be pointless in any case as DV is an IP layer function which is a router function.

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Message 4 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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If your current landline phones are hard wired from the master socket , they should be connected to the consumer panel ( the lower removable part ) if your plan is ‘ voice reinjection’ so the phones continue to work , then ultimately they connect to the phone port on the SH2 ( presumably you mean SH2 not HH2 ) , if the SH2 is sited close to the master socket this could be as simple as connecting the removable master socket panel via a suitable patch cable to the  SH2 phone port and the DSL cable via a filter connected to the test port that is exposed by removing the consumer panel ….not  very aesthetically appealing but should work .

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Message 5 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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Not only should work, it does work. I speak from personal experience.

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Message 6 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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@iniltousThanks for the  swift reply. It's a big house and much of the wiring is done in the basement.  The landline comes in to a back room where I have put the master socket.  I split that in two: a line with a filter, feeding the 4 phones in parallel and and the other branch goes direct to the modem.  So, if I remove the filter, the 4 phones will be connected together and I can then backfeed them from the SH2.  Meanwhile the full signal will proceed on the other branch to the SH2.  

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Message 7 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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Thanks - that is what I assumed.
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Message 8 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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Does the SH2 have a REN limit - so can get 4 phones ringing?

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Message 9 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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It does have a REN limit but it is a case of try it and see what works in reality.

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Message 10 of 13

Re: Changing from Modem to BT HomeHub

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I did it, armed with the support here, for which I am grateful.  My Deco M5 mesh connected as an access point to the SH2 (Deco stuff is so easy to use) and  it all seemed as normal.  However, I mentioned that I was sent the SH2 at least 18 months ago but the email today said another was coming - I see some references are to SH2+  so before I do the final install I will wait for the new one.  I liked the ECI modem as it could be fixed and hidden whereas the hubs are always wobbly - obviously intended to be advertising banners - there is no need to see them.  I have bought a wall bracket.

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