Message 1 of 7

Complete WiFi discs

Hi. Hoping someone can help. 

I have complete WiFi with 3 discs but I still get drop out in some rooms. The reason (I’m guessing) is that the building I live in has a metal structure with very thick walls and so the wifi works but it’s not ideal for video calls most of the day as tiny drops create lag on the calls. 

so I was thinking to run a 30m cat6 Ethernet wire from the router to where my office is. 

question is: 

is that a good idea? 

Can I then plug a disc into that wire and then the disc will give good WiFi in that room? 

or should I plug the wire direct into my laptop? 


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Message 2 of 7

Re: Complete WiFi discs

Hi @jshep098   It is obviously better to connect via Ethernet. But better still, put an unmanaged gigabit switch on the end of the Ethernet cable, plug your laptop in and also one of the Complete WiFi discs which work fine connected by Ethernet.  The best of both worlds. 

Message 3 of 7

Re: Complete WiFi discs

@VeteranISPUser thank you… Any links you could share to a switch would be great thanks. 

If I plugged the wire into the disc, that would then work transmitting WiFi on a strong signal, couldn’t I just the. Wire the laptop to the disc? Instead of having a switch? just thinking of reducing costs (this my be a really silly question, apologies if it is) 



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Message 4 of 7

Re: Complete WiFi discs

Hi @jshep098   No problem just connecting direct without the switch.  However if you also want a strong WiFi signal in that part of the house connect the disc.  Ethernet switches are cheap, just search Amazon for "unmanaged gigabit switch". You can always add the switch and disc later on.

Edit: Sorry I read that wrong, of course you can simply connect to the disc only.

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Message 5 of 7

Re: Complete WiFi discs

@VeteranISPUser sorry, I’ve just looked again and don’t think I will be able to send the wire direct into the room I need because I can’t get though the door Frame. But am I right in thinking that 


if I run the cat6 from the modem up stairs and directly into a WiFi disc (which can be placed just outside the room where my laptop is)  that WiFi disc will give off a better signal that when it was solely relying on the WiFi network in my house. (It’s this network which is disrupted by the walls and structure). 

And assuming the above is correct, I will have stronger and more stable WiFi than I do currently? 


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Message 6 of 7

Re: Complete WiFi discs

Hi @jshep098   To be clear the Ethernet connection will not improve the WiFi signal of the disc. It will improve the range of the disc from the Hub providing a more robust solution.

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Message 7 of 7

Re: Complete WiFi discs

Unless I am mistaken for some unknown reason, if you connect the disc via an Ethernet cable you are in effect using the disc as a wireless access point so the wireless signal coming from that disc should be a good strong signal.

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