Message 41 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Those settings are correct, you are probably using a different Deco model to my one. Mine is the Deco E4 model.

The Smart DHCP just checks to see if there is an active DHCP server on the network, and if not, it uses its own. In your case, the home hub provides the DHCP server.

I guess that beamforming is enabled by default, is there would not be much point in disabling it.

What you will now notice is that the list of connected devices have IP addresses starting 192.168.1.xxx.

You have now removed the unwanted network translation, so it will be interesting to see if the disconnections stop.

Leave it like that when you get FTTP, that still allows you to use the Ethernet ports on the home hub, otherwise you would only have the spare one on the Deco.

Message 42 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Unwanted translation and also WIFI interference.....not a bad day on the forums for the guy. 

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 43 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Thank you.  Please find model below.

Based on your previous post, does this


mean that once I get FTTP I could actually connect the Deco directly to the ONT, bypassing the router?  And/or could I actually connect the Deco either way - to router or directly to the ONT?


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Message 44 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Whilst you are using the BT Hub as your Router and the DECO is connected to it you will need to remain in access point mode.

Once you have FTTP install you may remove the BT Hub all together and switch back the DECO to router mode but you will need to configure its PPPOE credentials, Keith put those in an earlier post in this thread.

I wouldnt rush into it though, its working now, once FTTP is installed the setup you have now will work and you may even still have the same BT Hub, but the WAN port will be connected to the ONT.

If you do get a new hub WIFI will be enabled on it by default, so once you connect the DECO master to the new hub, turn off the BT WIFI again. Leave it running for a few weeks like this and if you get confident then you can perhaps switch to Router mode on the DECO and remove the BT Hub all together.

The reason I say leave it for a bit as is after installation is because if you need to troubleshoot the new install or whatever then BT will not give you support without the BT Hub plugged in.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 45 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Just 2 points:-

. Turning off both wifi bands is not the same as disabling wifi as turning off the bands leaves BT Wifi still active at least it did when I was using a Smarthub 2.

. Why is the BT Hub required for BT TV , never used to be but the SH2 is required for Digital Voice obviously.

Message 46 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Your model has 1Gb interface, mine is just 100Mbs, I am only on a 10Mb ADSL connection anyway.

I would just leave it like that, unless you want to take the home hub out of the equation, but you would lose the extra Ethernet ports that the home hub provides, as the Deco would only give you one on the master unit, as the other would be the WAN port. You would then have to add an Ethernet switch if you needed more ports.

If you do decide to connect directly to the ONT, then you will need to swap back to Wi-Fi router mode, and enter the PPPoE details into the Deco.

bthomehub@btbroadband.com and password BT.




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Message 47 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Thank you so very much

I think I am grasping almost all of this now.

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Message 48 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Well the BT Hub makes life easier for BT TV if you are going with IP mode or the subscription based channels. You can setup an IGMP proxy which works, if all you rely on is aerial based TV channels then the router doesnt matter.

I dont know if the DECO support IGMP proxy or if some models do and some dont but on my ER-X I have the Multicast packets grabbed on the WAN interface and forwarded out on another specific interface which the TV box connects to.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 49 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Thank you so very much @Keith_Beddoe 

You and @naylor2006 have been unbelievably helpful and patient.

I will leave set up as is and once I get the FTTP.  As you have both highlighted, it would be illogical to reduce the number of available ethernet ports through connecting Deco directly to the new ONT.  With regards to the new router, I believe it will be the exact same router as the one I currently have - which, IMO, makes no sense in issuing me with a new one.

Before I leave the thread, can either of you please confirm/advise on the steps I will be required to take once FTTP installed.  Basically, do I just need to disable wireless in the router, plug in the Deco via ethernet and be good to go.  Or will I need to also change settingss in Deco?

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Message 50 of 68

Re: Connection cutting out

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Yeah and then you will have to send the old one back.

You wont need to change anything on the DECO's now....

On the day of the install youll need to unplug the DECO from your old Hub as this will be powered down, might as well power off the DECO as well.

Typically the installer will also connect your new hub to the new ONT and ensure it is working by testing one device, usually connecting to the hub via WIFI, which yes will be on by default.

Once everyone is happy the new provision is live, connect the DECO to the new Hub exactly as you did before, power it on, you can connect to its WIFI and make sure its working which I expect it will first time, as far as its concerned nothing has changed. Once you are happy the DECO Mesh is back up and running switch off the WIFI on the BT hub like you did before.

Thats how I would do it.

If you dont need to swap the hub you dont need to do anything.....but I expect they will anyway.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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