I understand the Smart Hub2 doesn’t do bridging mode.
I have a TUF GAMING AX5400 GAMING ROUTER but this doesn’t work – from what I understand because it isn’t an xDSL router.
So I need an xDSL router, right?
I want to be able to priortise my PC connection and throttle my firestick (Netflix) and other devices. You could do this on the AX5400. I believe this is QoS? The DSL-N66U appears to have this setting.
Have other successfully used another router like this? Any recommendations? Some of the gaming ASUS ones are quite expensive but the DSL-N66U is around £100 on Box and is in budget.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a router that would work well for this?
Thank you.
Just get an Huawei HG612 Openreach modem from eBay instead and continue using your router
You can use the SH2 as a modem effectively.
I've had to use an SH2 for digital voice but use my Asus DSL-AC68U for the real work. Basically the SH2 forwards everything on all ports to the Asus & the Asus handles everything else.
Saves buying any more equipment.
Full instructions can be given if it's of interest.
What sort of Broadband do you have? Is it ADSL, VDSL, or FTTP, or something else?
If you router is not xDSL, what does it support, PPOE?