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Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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Hello any advice here this is madness.

I’m on fttp 900 I’ve have installed an asus rt ax82u on an pppoe connection all good.

When I change the dns manually to let’s say 8888 8844 or any dns the dns benchmark keeps giving me the same dns result connection.

Also on cmd ipconfig/all the dns remains the same for ipv4 it just says the the dns is the ip of the router at  and therefore is not changing manually.

it give the same result on dns benchmark mark which usually shows you what dns you have changed to but just remains the same so it has to be using the isp default dns why is it not changing to my preferred dns.

What is also odd is that it will change dns in the ip4 adapter on pc only !.

why does it remain a default if changed on the router please help this is driving me nuts !!.

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Message 2 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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ipconfig/all will always show the router as the source of the DNS rather than the actual DNS server address unless you set the address manually on the device.

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Message 3 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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Yes that’s what I ment I have changed the dns manually on the router, it’s still giving me the iPs default dns on the dns benchmark no matter what dns I change it to from the router. It will only change on the Ethernet adapter ip4 but not from the router witch then changes the dns benchmark. But it won’t change from the router ! everything else can be fixed like ips6 on or off or dns upnp ports show up ok why won’t the dns change manually on the router.

The router shows excepts any dns change but will not come through as cmd or dns benchmark.

nothing wrong on pc side high end pc bios everything fresh installed windows but just users isp default from the router !!?.

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Message 4 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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Hello liquorice thanks for the reply can I just confirm what you are saying,
So to change the dns on the router I would have to change to another ISP to maybe giganet, Zen, or another ISP that’s runnning to the same underground nodes and to the same exchange just to be able to change the DNS from a on high end router to be able just to make changes from the router how does that make any sense when trying to lower the ping with a better dns for lowering the ping to a gaming server for a lower input and ping.
If I change the dns on the pc this takes away the routing and the point of buying an high end router to route a better path from a gaming server and in turn a higher ping and input lag connected to a gaming server in the first place !??.
BT fttp has really helped out there as this will higher the ping in game if I cannot route from a gaming router !!?.
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Message 5 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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You are totally misunderstanding how it works, it has nothing to do with ISP. 

You set on the router which DNS servers you wish to use, the router then routes DNS requests to those servers. Your PC makes the request to the router which then forwards the request to the DNS servers.

The only time you will see the DNS servers on your PC is if you configure the PC itself with the DNS servers rather than setting your network adaptor to get DNS information automatically from the router.


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Message 6 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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Hello thanks for the reply So your saying the router does change the dns if I’m changing it manually.

So how come if I change the dns to let’s say 8888 8844 dns benchmark will show them servers responding at 12 ms but on (dns benchmark) it’s showing my dns as IP address at 1ms the fastest ping - but I’m using 8888 not the default dns.

Why is it not showing up as 8888 at 1ms a fastest ping on dns benchmark if I’m using 8888 as the manually imputed dns on my router or am I missing something !?.

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Message 7 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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I have no idea, all I can tell you is that if you set DNS servers as & on your router, they will be the servers your pc uses. However ipconfig will show your router's IP address as the source of DNS.

You can always configure your PC network adaptor directly with & instead of obtain automatically.

Message 8 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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The router should remember DNS lookups so that when you request a site that it knows about, it will return the result without having to use an external DNS server. So that should be quicker. That's why the router's gateway is shown as the DNS server in Windows. Only if the site is unknown to the router will it use Google's DNS servers (or whatever else you configure in the router).

Message 9 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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Ok thanks for that, also do you have any experience in lowering the game servers ping to my ip,  will a static ip or maybe ddns lower or give better results.

In call of duty I can only ever get the start search for a game down to 20 ms I know that’s probably the ip network but that’s also a whole 15 ms added from my ping at 5 -7 ms.

I used to have hyperactive the ping I had was 3- 4ms the search game would start sometimes at around 4 -8 ms that was only adding 4 ms to there game servers witch is like playing on diff level.

I’ve Have tried vpns only with same results and a bit more fluid gameplay on multiplayer but not on bt.

there’s not much else I can try although ddns sounds interesting also with a router switch combo it’s does actually change the gameplay.

Ive had different results with all that on bt but is still slightly off in regards to a really sweet connection witch I had on hyperactive.

thanks for your help.





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Message 10 of 12

Re: Dns does not change pppoe ASUS rt ax82u connection.

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Ok thanks for that, also do you have any experience in lowering the game servers ping to my ip,  will a static ip or maybe ddns lower or give better results.

In call of duty I can only ever get the start search for a game down to 20 ms I know that’s probably the ip network but that’s also a whole 15 ms added from my ping at 5 -7 ms.

I used to have hyperactive the ping I had was 3- 4ms the search game would start sometimes at around 4 -8 ms that was only adding 4 ms to there game servers witch is like playing on diff level.

I’ve Have tried vpns only with same results and a bit more fluid gameplay on multiplayer but not on bt.

there’s not much else I can try although ddns sounds interesting also with a router switch combo it’s does actually change the gameplay.

Ive had different results with all that on bt but is still slightly off in regards to a really sweet connection witch I had on hyperactive.

thanks for your help.

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