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Message 1 of 2

Do I need Smart Hub 2 if using Whole Home Wifi Disks?

I have BT Home Hub 5. I do not use the wifi on this, instead I have three Whole Home Wifi Disks throughout the house.

For the last year or so, the internet (Fibre with BT Halo 3) drops once a day for about 10 minutes. This last weekend, it's been on and off constantly (10 mins on, 5 mins off etc).

There's an engineer supposedly coming Wednesday, so fingers crossed.

Am curious if it also makes sense to upgrade my Home Hub 5 to a Smart Hub 2 if I'm already using Whole Home, or is there no benefit (and only possible issues) if I'm not planning to use it for Wifi.


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Message 2 of 2

Re: Do I need Smart Hub 2 if using Whole Home Wifi Disks?

Its quite possible the HH5 cannot cope with the throughput of FTTP, as its quite old now.

Ask BT for a Smart Hub 2, and simply turn off the wireless, as it will interfere with the Whole Home network.

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