Message 1 of 3

Does anyone know how to set up a Guest Network access on a Smart Hub 2 ??

I have been given a page link by one of the online Chat people - which gives clear instructions about how to set up a Guest Network access - but I cannot find the page from which to action the instructions on the website - or the App,

I eventually called the technical team - who said that from information from this Community - that I cannot do this from a Smart Hub 2.

Does anyone have any info on this ?


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Message 2 of 3

Re: Does anyone know how to set up a Guest Network access on a Smart Hub 2 ??

you cannot set up a guest network on residential using a SH2  you need a 3rd party router

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Does anyone know how to set up a Guest Network access on a Smart Hub 2 ??

I don't use a BT hub but do use a Deco M5 mesh system. My visitors say it gives them a very good guest network