Message 1 of 10

Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

Hey guys, just looking for some advice as im a bit lost at the moment.

I currently have Full Fibre 900 with the SH2 and one of the Discs that they provide.

Wirelessly when standing right next to the router my phone speed test will say like 400mbps.


However no device actually gets that which is fine. Average is anything from 180-260 on different devices etc.

My issues is the disc has not helped in any way shape or form and when connected directly to the disc hard wired im getting about 80mbps. Surely that shouldn't be the case when hard wired to the disc? It's in a perfect place according to the app and the solid blue light but I feel like despite moving up a package and getting the discs it has not made a single bit of difference.

My questions are fourfold.

1. Are those average wifi speeds about right? 

2. Is that wired speed right?

3. Would passthrough power line adapters help that wired speed?

4. Would a wifi 6 enabled router help massively?


Many Thanks 



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Message 2 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

What sort of cable have you used to hard wire he disc? Some older CAT5 cables (such as those given away with routers) only had 4 wires present (2 pairs) which was fine for Ethernet and fast ethernet but would limit you to FE so 100Mb/s which would probably be less than that over WiFi.

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Message 3 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

So the one I have in is a CAT5e Patch cable at the moment. I don't have anything CAT6 etc to try but I was under the impression that CAT5e should be enough but I genuinely could be wrong.

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Message 4 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

Hi @Donald1869 ,

1. Your WiFi speeds are in line with what I get (same package, SH2 and 2 black discs).

2. The wired speed seems slow, but there are two things to bear in mind - firstly, you're still using WiFi when connected to the disc; secondly, it's possible that you have a defective ethernet cable - what speed does it give when connected direct to the hub?

3. I haven't used powerline adapters, but every comment I've seen here and elsewhere is that they are a bit hit and miss.

4. I can't answer as I haven't used one.



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Message 5 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

Thanks for the reply. 

Good to know that speeds are somewhat in line I suppose.
Also I have tried multiple cables and they all produce the same result. I understand it still uses wifi I just thought hard wired into their own tech I would have thought 95 was a tad low.
I have used power line adapters before through an extension but never used passthrough ones as they recommend you plug them directly into mains.

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Message 6 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

Just realised that I may have misinterpreted what is hard-wired in. Is it the disc to the router or the disc to your phone? I assumed the former.

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

It is my PlayStation 5 console hard wired into the disc with a cat5e. Download is 90 odd. Upload is 8. Which is not great. 

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Message 8 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

It might be worthwhile installing a WiFi analyser and checking that you are on the most appropriate channel. It could be that a nearby house for example is using the same channel as your router thereby limiting performance.

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Message 9 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

I did not know this was a thing so I shall certainly look into this thank you. 

0 Ratings
Message 10 of 10

Re: Ethernet Speeds Seem Slow

Hi there 

having the same issues as you at the moment with the ps5. Using wired cable and only getting about 90 download and 8 upload. Stood right next to the router using wireless on my phone I’m getting just under 500.

did you find a way to resolve this by any chance ?

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