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Message 1 of 5

Ethernet backhaul of a second Complete Home Wi-fi (black) disc.

Hi, I live in an old house with very thick walls and so have bought 2 black BT discs to improve my wi-fi coverage.

I have left disc 1 connected to the router via ethernet cable which runs through a very thick wall. This disc is working very well and is distributing it's wi-fi signal at 150Mbps, the same as the router. 

Disc 2 is connected to the router via wi-fi, but will only connect on the 2.5GHz band (I think because of another wall in the way). Hence it is only putting out a wi-fi signal at 20Mbps. 

To improve the speed of wi-fi from disc 2 can I also connect this disc to the router via ethernet cable directly, still keeping disc 1 connected by ethernet ? 

Thanks for any anticipated help.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: Ethernet backhaul of a second Complete Home Wi-fi (black) disc.

Try it and see, you can't break anything.

If it doesn't work and if it's possible then try daisy chaining the discs together.

Whatever the answer I'd be interested to hear

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Message 3 of 5

Re: Ethernet backhaul of a second Complete Home Wi-fi (black) disc.

Morning Les,

Thank you for your suggestion. I might just wait a day or two for any more replies, but then I’ll clamber up into the loft where my router is, connect up another ethernet cable, and give it a go.

The discs are too far apart to be daisy chained.

I’ll certainly let you know how it goes.


Message 4 of 5

Re: Ethernet backhaul of a second Complete Home Wi-fi (black) disc.

Hi Les,

Apologies for delay but I have finally got round to connecting Disc 2 to my  router by ethernet cable, as well as leaving Disc 1 connected to the router by ethernet cable.

Good news - both Discs are now shown as connected via ethernet and are transmitting a Wi-Fi signal at 150Mbps, the same as the router. So I now have a reliable Wi-Fi signal throughout the house at a great speed.

Thanks for your help.


Message 5 of 5

Re: Ethernet backhaul of a second Complete Home Wi-fi (black) disc.

Good news. Thanks for letting me know 👍

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